Chapter 16: Her Wish

Although the commotion in the study was loud, the existence of the soundproof barrier allowed Sitana to survive after leaving the room, and as for the broken glass... it didn't matter much, as Savile would never inquire about anything unnecessary and could handle it.

Anselm himself was quite satisfied with this taming session, although it couldn't be given a perfect score, everything that needed to be done was flawlessly executed without any surprises.

"It's just that at the end, I couldn't quite control my emotions," Anselm gently massaged his forehead, "If the target wasn't Sitana, they might have noticed something. I was …too passionate."

"This is not a lapse you should have, Anselm."

He reflected on this, considering his overly excited emotions at the crucial moment to be a very serious oversight.

Although the occurrence of this oversight was somewhat... difficult to prevent.

Anselm had dreamt of that future this morning, that stunningly beautiful and majestic figure, that earth-shattering battle, that grandeur and powerful Wolf Empress of the Azure Sky .

To him, it was simply one delineation among the countless profound impressions left by Sitana Rancemalos.

That inviolable, condescending woman who dared to challenge the Emperor Dragon King, at that moment in the study, had her outer shell stripped away by him, her dignity shattered, leaving her vulnerable and helpless, sobbing against him, submitting to his dominance and taming—

This immense pleasure, too great to be described in words, was something even Anselm found difficult to control his emotions over for a moment.

Fortunately, all the previous steps were flawless.

From the beginning, Anselm had never considered using Sitana's family and village to bind her to his side.

Not because such a method was too despicable, but because in Anselm's view, such a method... was utterly unreliable.

Anselm understood human nature, which is why he wouldn't gamble on it.

Throughout this entire session of taming, the one thing Anselm truly considered the core was only one thing.

—That was Sitana's pride.

That trait, almost equal to her arrogance, had led Sitana's life through a rollercoaster of highs and lows, filled with various hardships, yet it was this very pride that truly forged her into the Wolf Empress of the Azure Sky.

Denying her abilities, denying her talents, and then finally despising her character, trampling her pride to worthlessness, causing her to doubt her life and even herself after her frenzy subsided, making her shatter her own dignity—

And then, giving her value and affirmation by his own hand.

Anselm destroyed Sitana's dignity and then gave her an opportunity to prove her dignity by his own hand.

Under normal circumstances, Sitana could leave and prove through her own efforts that she didn't need Anselm to become strong.

But Sitana is Sitana precisely because she consistently opts for the most assertive and demanding approach when it comes to any issue that touches upon her ego and dignity.

—She was not trying to prove "Sitana doesn't need Anselm," but rather "Anselm is not worthy to be followed by Sitana."

This was the absurd pride that Sitana harbors, which had brought her countless troubles.

"My dear Wolf Empress of the Azure Sky won't think about leaving my side anymore, even if I were to leave Scarletfrost now, she would likely choose to accompany me."

Anselm stretched lazily and exhaled slowly, "Then for this period, let's do some simple discipline to stabilize her emotions, and then start the next phase."

He stood up, leaning on his snake-headed cane, ready to find Sitana who had already gone to look for Malena. And as Anselm always did, he acted immediately.

He didn't expect to change Sitana's style and manner of speaking in a short time, but he could at least work on enhancing the superficial aspects.

Although our young master Anselm had casually told Malena that he didn't concern himself with the so-called noble demeanor, to truly believe he didn't care at all would be misleading.

At the very least, if he weren't intentionally projecting an image of tolerance towards Sitana, he would never allow her to follow him around in just a hunter's garb and messy white hair.

Because in the eyes of Anselm Hydra, who was true to his desires, beautiful people should wear beautiful clothes, a sentiment that has no bearing on noble demeanor.

It was simply because he wanted to see it.


"So... it's really like that, huh?" Sitana gritted her teeth, "Those horseshit nobles, they've got their noses so high in the air! And you, Malena! Why the hell didn't you tell me in sooner!"

 "If I had told you, what else would you have done besides getting angry, Sita? Would you have just accepted it?"

"I... I'm not that unreasonable! Haven't I accepted it immediately now?"

Sitana modestly tugged at her collar.

Malena's gaze fell on the seemingly ordinary black leather collar, which she had actually wanted to ask about from the beginning, but she was afraid it would upset Sitana, as this thing looked a bit...

Sita shouldn't... have been ‘treated’ like that by Lord Hydra, right? No, no, that's impossible. Not to mention that Lord Hydra isn't that kind of person, even if he was, he wouldn't be interested in Sita.

The girl muttered to herself—Might as well worry about yourself, Malena.

When this thought surfaced in her mind, Miss Malena's cheeks couldn't help but redden a bit.

Sitana didn't notice her sister's odd behavior either, as she was immersed in her displeasure, wishing she could instantly level up three times, achieve 'Royal Crown' on the spot, beat up all those nobles who looked down on her, and then give Hydra a chance, maybe she would consider taking him as her sidekick, hehehe~

The sisters thus sank into their own strange fantasies until a knock on the door sounded.

"Sitana, I've come to seek you out."

"Eek!" The girl with snow-white short hair immediately jumped up in surprise, "What for!"

"I don't have many rules to discuss, but there are a few tasks you need to attend to now. Shall I wait for you outside, or would you prefer I come in?"

Sitana glanced at her sister in the gauze dress and immediately warned sternly, "Don't come in! I'll be out in a moment."

She dashed to the door in two quick strides, gestured to Marina that everything was fine, and then stepped out, closing the door behind her.

The girl stared at the closed door, then glanced around the now empty room, feeling a sense of emptiness in her heart.

If only I could do something for Lord Hydra like Sita, she thought.

Outside, Sitana crossed her arms, her eyes unfriendly: "It's barely been any time and you're already ordering me around, what now?"

"I need you to alter your... appearance," Anser said as he looked her up and down, "I'll take you to Bernal's shop, have him make new clothes for you within a day. And then get your hair trimmed."

Sitana was stunned for two seconds: "What the hell? Cut my hair?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I'm not cutting it! I'm damn happy with my hair the way it is, I don't care—ahh!"

The girl's body twitched as she suddenly went limp, collapsing to the ground. She struggled to lift her head, wishing that she could shout:


"You really don't learn, do you, Miss Sitana?"

Anser looked at Citana, who was curled up on the ground, her cheeks flushed and slightly twitching, and sighed, "I recall you were in tears just a short while ago, weren't you? How could you have forgotten it all so soon?"

Feeling the tingling current from her neck spreading throughout her body, occasionally darting towards her lower abdomen, Miss Sitana secretly vowed in her heart—

One day, she would pin this son of a whore to the ground and electrify him a hundred times!

However, before realizing this wish, Miss Sitana would have to go through many, many things that were more painful for her than being electrified a hundred times.

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  1. Huh She is actually a wolf girl? I thought the wolf empress was just a nickname

    1. Don’t worry it will be explained later. Technically she is not exactly a wolf girl.


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