Chapter 21: Chaos and Opportunity

The greatness of the teleportation array needs no further explanation; even Anselm often praised the groundbreaking creation of that Space Arcanist Master—after all, he didn't care at all about the exorbitant teleportation fees.

Sitana, carrying three suitcases of luggage, poked her head out of the teleportation array and looked around: "We've arrived? So that's what space teleportation feels like."

"..." Savile raised an eyebrow slightly, "Miss Sitana, did you feel any dizziness or discomfort?"


The versatile Miss Sitana pursed her lips: "What's so dizzying about this?"

The old man remained silent, inwardly marveling at how only his young master could locate such a monstrosity so precisely.

Anselm had already stepped down from the platform where the teleportation array was located, standing inside the teleportation chamber and scanning the surroundings, a smile gradually spreading across his face.

 "It seems we're alone." He said.

Sitana looked puzzled, while Savile's expression turned serious.

A teleportation array is such a valuable asset that every city lord would ensure it's guarded 24 hours a day, not just to protect the array itself but also to verify the identities of everyone who pass through it.

But here, there was no one.

"It seems our two viscounts have encountered quite a bit of trouble," Anselm said leisurely, strolling towards the entrance of the teleportation chamber.

"Young Master, should we contact them?"

"No need, the teleportation chamber wouldn't be built in a remote location of the city. We'll probably know what's happening once we step outside, Savile—"

The young nobleman tossed an image projection crystal into Savile's hand: "Proceed with your task."

The old man slightly bowed, and his unyielding figure, untouched by the passage of time, instantly vanished from the spot.

Sitana had already grown accustomed to Savile's mysterious appearances and disappearances, but the fact that she could never sense his arrival or departure puzzled and irked her, as a girl who prided herself on her keen perception.

"Hydra," Sitana sniffed vigorously, "What level is the old butler? Does he know space magic?"

"Can't our miss genius figure it out?"

Anselm didn't answer directly, just said this with a smile then walked straight towards the exit of the teleportation chamber.

"Being a genius isn't the point here. Sure, I'll definitely be stronger than him someday, but that day isn't today."

When confronted with a formidable adversary, Sitana always showed due respect, even if her choice of words wasn’t the most flattering. She's always been clear-headed and honest about the gap between them.

—And thus, she craved strength even more.

The girl continued to mumble: "I hardly ever... no, I've never come across anyone like the old butler at school. Even with space magic, there's usually some trace left behind, but why does he leave absolutely nothing... huh?"

Just as Anselm was about to reach the door of the teleportation chamber, Sitana's expression changed slightly, and her beautiful dark red eyes suddenly revealed a long-lost wildness and... delight!

As Anselm raised his hand to push the door, he felt a fierce wind coming from behind.

A swirling wind of black and snow!

The tailored, black velvet cloak billowed as its wearer moved at breakneck speed, and Sitanaholding three heavy suitcases, unleashed a wild, unrestrained grin before launching a flying kick straight at the teleportation chamber's main door!



In the deafening explosion, a scream pierced the air along with the crisp sound of breaking bones. Amidst the flying wood shards and scattered dust, Sitana landed with grace, her chin lifted in triumph as she turned to face Anselm.

Unaware, by revealing the black collar, she looked like a dog seeking praise.

"Talk about timing, running into this right after we step out."

Sitana said as she put down the luggage and rubbed her neck, "Haven't had a proper fight in days, I'm getting rusty."

The shouts coming from not far away indicated that the situation was serious. Anselm glanced at the wood fragments on the wolf fur on his shoulder and neck, sighed helplessly, and brushed them off.

"Hydra, looks like this guy's got backup."

Sitana said, stepping on the guy she'd just booted, cracking who knows how many ribs, gave him one or two rough shakes, and then glanced up at Anselm, "Do we knock them all out?"

Anselm, having tidied himself up, approached the unknown individual with his cane, took a quick look at his commoner clothes, and then shook his head, "The clamor of armor suggests the ones coming should be city guards, but as for this fellow..."

"My friend," Anselm asked with a smile, "Why are you in such a hurry to come to the teleportation chamber? Would you mind telling me... what you are here for?"

The mysterious man under Sitana's foot was wailing and writhing in agony, but in no time, he abruptly went still, not even a whisper of breath remaining.

Startled by the sudden stillness, Sitana hastily withdrew her foot and, after a quick sniff, her expression changed dramatically:

"Dead already? No way! My kick would only crack a few bones at best, people don't just keel over like that!"

The girl's complexion was not good; she seemed very averse to killing—Despite her fierce and even savage tactics during the assassination attempt, Sitana had never been casual about ending someone's life.

"...Such a disgusting smell, oh... so he swallowed poison and killed himself."

After smelling the uncomfortable scent coming from the assassin, Sitana's complexion improved slightly.

Anselm looked at the mysterious man who had taken poison to end his own life, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Sitana turned to look at him with some suspicion, "What are you laughing at?" 

"Nothing, just found it amusing," Anselm replied, shaking his head as he glanced towards the hallway where figures were appearing, "The guards have arrived, Sitana, grab the luggage."

The young wolf lady muttered to herself about Hydra being a twisted freak who found amusement in someone's death, all the while wearing a disgruntled expression as she fetched her luggage, clearly not giving Anselm any favors either inwardly or outwardly.

squad of armored guards finally showed up, their demeanor grim as they surveyed the broken main door, the lifeless body, and the seemingly mismatched pair of master and servant. Silently, they unsheathed their swords and tightened their grips on their spears.

"Hey, Hydra, what's going on?" Sitana turned to look at Anselm, "You said they're guards, right? So why the hell do they look like they want to fight us?"

Hearing Sitana's words, the leading soldier's hand gripping the spear paused, he carefully observed the golden-haired nobleman holding a cane, and said in disbelief:

"Are you... Lord Hydra?"

"..." Sitana looked utterly baffled, wondering why it seemed like everyone was acquainted with this jerk.

Anselm smiled amiably, "Do you need me to show something to prove my identity?"

"...Ah, no, I'm not, I'm not questioning your identity."

The appearance, characteristics, and personality matched perfectly with what the captain of the guard knew, and he breathed a sigh of relief, signaling for the others to lower their weapons, and bowed deeply, "Please forgive my rudeness, Lord Hydra."

"It's clear that something very serious has happened," Anselm's gentle calmness seemed to have an effect on the anxious and tense guard captain, making the latter slightly calmer, "Would you mind telling me what happened?"


The captain hesitated slightly, after a brief silence, he sighed deeply,

"Not long ago, Viscount Lundbeck of Lundbeck City arrived at our Howlingwinds City through the teleportation array."

"Then, he was immediately assassinated."

"The assassin disguised himself as an attendant in the teleportation chamber and, at extremely close range... killed Viscount Lundbeck with a single strike. Our Lord was extremely furious upon hearing this and ordered a city-wide manhunt for the assassin, but he... he was also assassinated in a very short time."

Needless to say, Howlingwinds City was now in chaos.

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