Chapter 25: An Ordinary Maid Education

"Lord Hydra, your dinner has arrived."

Outside the door, a charming and pretty maid gently knocked, her heart filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she awaited a response from within.

Even if it's just for a brief moment, or even just a glance, just one glimpse would be enough!

However, the maid waited for a long time but did not hear any response from inside the room.

Just as she was hesitating whether to call out and ask again, the door to Lord Hydra's room... suddenly opened a crack.

"Give it to me."

A low female voice coming from the crack in the door made the maid pause in surprise.

Before she could react, the voice impatiently repeated, "The dinner! Give it to me!"

As these words were spoken, a hand reached out from the crack.

A hand so beautiful that it made the maid feel somewhat ashamed her own inferiority—pale, delicate, slender, and graceful.

On the wrist of this hand was a lace wristband, the same one worn by all the maids at Howlingwinds Castle, which left the maid utterly astonished.

Which maid has such audacity to sneak directly into Lord Hydra's room!

"What's with the daze? Hand over the dinner, and you can leave!"

The mysterious maid inside the room, clearly annoyed, urged impatiently, leaving the maid who had knocked at the door feeling even more at a loss.

There has never been such a rude maid in the castle; who on earth is the person inside—

The maid suddenly realized; she remembered that Lord Hydra had a very beautiful girl by his side who was extremely lacking in manners. Could it be that...

She hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke softly, "But Lord Hydra's dinner is on a cart, and it's just... if the door is only opened a crack, it won't fit through... Miss Sitana?"

This tentative question was met with an almost explosive response from inside:

"Who told you I'm Sitana! I... anyway, I'm not! Just leave, put the stuff there, and I'll manage it myself!"

Such an unreasonable demand left the maid and the servants behind her, who were pushing the dinner cart, completely bewildered and at a loss for words.


"There's no 'but'! Just go, mmmph--!"

After a strange hum, Lord Hydra's voice came from inside, "Just do as she says."

The maid at the door felt extremely disappointed upon hearing this, but compared to the imposter maid inside, she clearly had a strong sense of professionalism. Even though Anselm couldn't see her, she bowed respectfully, "Then, we shall take our leave. If you have any needs, please feel free to command us, Lord Hydra. May you have a pleasant evening."

After about five minutes, a head wearing a maid's headband peeked out sneakily from the crack in the door.

She looked around in all directions, and only after confirming that no one was present did she cautiously emerge from the door.

This was a maid whose appearance was flawless and exuded sensuality.

The reason for using the term "sensual" instead of "beautiful" or "cute" is that, compared to the formal and dignified maid uniforms at Anselm's mansion, Viscount Howlingwinds had evidently invested considerable effort into the degree of exposure of his maids' outfits.

This freshly acquired maid uniform from Howlingwinds Castle, when adorned by Miss Sitana, indeed appeared... quite alluring.

The maid who stepped out of the room had a crimson face. In contrast to the full-coverage, ankle-revealing long-skirted maid uniform at Anselm's mansion, the maid uniforms at Howlingwinds Castle were excessively skimpy and revealing.

The shoulder straps, embellished with lace edging, were the sole elements resting on her shoulders, exposing Sitana's tender, rosy shoulders and the soft, pink armpit skin visible when she lifted her arms. The lace cuffs around her arms and wrists provided no concealment; they merely accentuated her arms' slenderness and delicacy, enhancing the seduction.

The openwork design at the front of the dress clearly displayed Sitana's full and perky bosom without any cover. Thankfully, she usually wore a chest wrap, or else it's quite probable that the girl would have refused to put on this outfit at all costs.

Regarding the lower half, the extremely short skirt just covering the hip edges, the lace-topped white stockings with garters were snugly secured around Sitana's thighs, subtly pressing into her plump and well-toned thigh muscles. The white silk stockings, which could only be pulled off by a graceful leg shape, appeared adorable and exquisite on Sitana, and because of their relatively thin fabric, they subtly showed the natural color of her skin.

Her exceptional physical abilities allowed Sitana to walk very steadily even though it was her first time wearing high heels. The slender and delicate feet encased in white silk stockings, contrasted with the glossy black of the high heels, produced a crisp sound when they touched the ground, resonating in one's heart.

"...You pervert, lust demon, I misjudged you... Mmmph mmmph mmmph..."

Sitana muttered these curses through gritted teeth, hurriedly pushing the dinner cart filled with Anselm's meal into the room.

In the room, Anselm remained seated on the small sofa near the fireplace, but he had ceased reading and was now engaged in writing something.

"Are you suggesting that I shouldn't be eating hot food at the moment, Sitana?"

Anselm asked without turning his head.

"....Stop nagging! It's only been five minutes, mmmph mmmph mmmph!"

The young girl's body went limp, and she half-collapsed onto the dinner cart, her waist and hips unintentionally arching upwards.

Anselm glanced at her, and from his angle, he could see the soft white fabric beneath the hem of the short skirt... well, it was somewhat uninspiring.

"Sitana, as my bodyguard, I can grant you leniency at any time."

Anselm slowly put down the notebook in his hand and crossed his legs, "But remember, you are now a maid. I don't need you to use any honorifics or overly humble attitudes towards me, but... don't think that I will indulge your arrogance and haughtiness as I usually do."

For Anselm, finding the right threshold for Sitana's anger was something he needed to constantly consider.

During the training, it was essential to find the right balance to ensure Sitana could endure and withstand the challenges to the fullest extent, without reaching a breaking point where she would lose control and react explosively on the spot. This was vital for achieving the most effective training outcomes.

After catching her breath, a seething Sitana grabbed the hem of her skirt with one hand and reluctantly pushed the dinner cart over to Anselm.

"Are you planning to have me eat while lying on the dinner cart?" Anselm asked with a chuckle, looking at the maid who had turned her head away, clearly angry and annoyed.

Knowing that speaking might easily lead to saying more wrong things, Sitana chose to remain silent with a straight face as she brought over a small table for Anselm.

"Place the food on the table and pour the wine."

"......" Sitana's forehead was throbbing with two veins, and she kept telling herself in her heart that as long as she passed Hydra's trial, she could go home to see her parents and boast about how formidable she had become. This little bit of grievance was nothing, wasn't it just carrying some plates?

With these thoughts in mind, Miss Sitana managed to hold back—completely oblivious to the fact that she had evolved from being easily triggered into a fury by a mere few words from Anselm to now, where she didn't flare up even when being casually ordered around.

—All within less than a week.

"You only know how to drink, drink, drink, how come you don't just drink yourself to death!" The young girl, pouring wine for Anselm, grumbled in her heart, her mind flashing through countless ways Anselm could meet a violent end.

"Stand behind me."

When he finally starting to eat, Sitana thought that Anselm would calm down, but then this jerk suddenly issued another inexplicable command, leaving her puzzled about what he intended to do.

Sitana cautiously circled around to Anselm's back, and then she heard another command: "Come closer, press against the back of the chair."

The bewildered little maid could only comply, and as soon as she pressed against the back of the chair, Anselm's head had already leaned back, directly... resting on her abdomen!

Before Sitana could instinctively react and immediately step back, Anselm had already preemptively said, "Stand there and don't move."

"Screw this, you nutcase—mmmph mmmph mmmph!"

Since Miss Sitana uttered words that a good maid and a good girl should not say, the intensity of this electric shock was unusually strong, causing her to instantly go weak in the knees. Fortunately, she managed to cling to the back of the sofa with her upper body, preventing herself from collapsing to the ground on the spot. Her toes, wrapped in white silk stockings, curled up forcefully.

But the bad news was that in this state of collapse, her entire head was now nestled in the nook of Anselm's neck, panting heavily in a highly suggestive manner, as if greedily inhaling the aroma of his body.

With the anxious panting brushing against his cheek and neck, Anselm's expression remained unchanged. He leisurely cut into the tender and juicy meat, skewered a piece with a fork, and gently waved it under Sitana's nose with a light laugh. "Do you miss the dinners prepared by the maids now, Sitana? Do you feel a bit of gratitude towards me for my unconditional provision of quality food and lodging at that time?"

Sitana had not yet had her meal, and as Anselm mentioned, she was deeply yearning for the sumptuous meals provided unconditionally every day at his mansion. Nevertheless, any sense of gratitude towards Anselm was entirely absent.

Viscount Howlingwinds had provided Anselm with the highest level of hospitality, and it's likely that even his own meals were not as good as what Anselm was eating. Therefore, the food Anselm had tonight was much more fragrant than what Sitana usually ate.

Thus, driven by a mix of humiliation, anger, embarrassment, and hunger, Sitana made a move that even Anselm had not anticipated.


She opened her mouth wide and bit down on the piece of meat on the fork, chewing it fiercely as if she were biting into Anselm's flesh. She raised her chin, struggled to lift her hand, and gave Anselm the middle finger while shouting indistinctly:

"Still want to eat? Stuff yourself with air!"

Immediately after, it seemed she was about to gulp it down directly!


After being stunned for about two seconds, Anselm quickly reacted, raising his hand to directly grip Sitana's neck. Without any mercy, he applied significant pressure, immediately stopping the maid's rude and barbaric act of pillaging.

"My dear maid..."

On Hydra's face, a long-absent, extremely, extremely, extremely dangerous smile appeared.

"Your boldness and courage always manage to exceed my expectations—for me, this is a lesson."

He continued to grip Sitana's neck, her eyes wide with fury, and without waiting for the girl to struggle, he picked up his snake-headed cane and aimed the snake's head at her neck. The peculiar creation known as Gleipnir seemed to come alive in the next moment; the snake's head, which was usually used for gripping, actually opened its mouth and bit down on Sitana's shoulder!


The girl's pupils instantly dilated, and her limbs started to thrash wildly, but it wasn't long before her eyes lost their luster, and the vigor of her struggles began to wane.

"You must always believe in one thing."

Anselm maintained the grip on Sitana's neck, pulling her soft and graceful body directly to his feet, and rested her head on his lap.

The young aristocrat whispered gently, "I have a deep understanding of you, your untamable savagery, which is why I always make the most comprehensive preparations in places you could never anticipate."

"The alchemy potion just now will paralyze your bodily functions; you won't be able to control your body, not even a single finger, yet you will still be acutely aware of every sensation in your body."

"Actually, I have another potion that can amplify your current sensory sensitivity tenfold and channel all sensations, including pain, into pleasure."

These words caused Miss Sitana's lifeless eyes to twitch sharply.

Anselm smiled with satisfaction, "Rest assured, that is something I would only resort to when our relationship is at risk of falling apart, or when you genuinely, gravely anger me."

"After all, overly cruel methods don't benefit me either; they only provide momentary satisfaction."

He caressed Sitana's neck, maintaining the position of the piece of meat, and since she had lost all control over her body, transparent saliva was gradually leaking from the corner of her mouth and trickling down.

Sitana could feel her own humiliation, but what could she do about it?

Rather than displaying any contempt, Anselm gently wiped away the drool with a napkin. Next, he manipulated Gleipnir into its whip-blade formhooked a small round mirror from the dressing table, and swung it onto the table next to him, angling it to squarely reflect Sitana's face, focusing on her eyes.

"Sitana, you might be experiencing confusion, bewilderment, and fear at the moment. You're afraid that I might do something very bad to you, aren't you?" Anselm remarked with a smile, gently stroking her face. "Rest assured, I never resort to any coercion for such things. On occasion, I even only proceed when I'm implored to."

"What I'm about to do is very simple... well, first I need to remove that piece of meat that doesn't belong to you."

Gleipnir retracted its blades with a series of fine metallic clicks, transforming into a slender metal whip, and then, like a snake, it slowly slithered into Sitana's mouth, which Anselm had pried open, and ventured deep into her snowy, delicate throat.

Before long, it had wrapped around a lump of meat and retracted it, along with a long string of saliva.

Anselm tossed the piece of meat onto the floor, once more wiped away the drool from Sitana's cheeks and mouth, and spoke calmly, "As I've stated, certain things, you can only take when I give them to you. It's this issue, rather than your crude gestures and words, that mildly irritates me, Sitana."

"So, how about we switch roles next? What do you think?"

Hydra smiled gently yet maliciously, "Let me take care of you, serve you, attend to you, the poor young lady who is completely paralyzed."

He adjusted Sitana's posture, positioning her to lean against his shoulder. His earlier actions had evidently aggravated her throat, resulting in the girl drooling continuously like someone with cognitive impairments, which Anselm attentively cleaned up.

"I am confident that when Sitana regains control over her body, she will certainly understand how to be a good maid."

And so, Anselm truly began to "serve" Sitana, feeding his own dinner to the delicate and fragile paralyzed girl like a puppet, carefully opening and closing her jaw to help her chew and swallow the food, occasionally wiping away the comical drool that trickled down, while the lifeless-eyed Sitana stared at her own disgraceful self through the mirror.

Feeding, wiping... Anselm did not overstep in the slightest, even though the adorable girl in the revealing maid outfit was helplessly collapsed in his arms, completely at his mercy. At most, he would simply wrap his arm around Sitana's waist.

Gradually, Sitana's lifeless eyes... seemed to faintly reveal a hint of expression.

From furious indignation to extreme rage, from extreme rage to hysteria, from hysteria to utter helplessness... And when Anselm wiped away the drool that trickled down from her for the umpteenth time, that helplessness finally transformed into desperate pleading.

The dark red eyes, brimming with tears, conveyed the desperation of their owner.

Sitana knew that Anselm had left her with the last shred of dignity—because he hadn't allowed her to drink much water. But if this continued, who knew if this jerk would do so?

Anselm smiled and asked Sitana in the mirror, "Do you understand your mistake now?"

"......" The young girl remained silent, but the pleading in her eyes intensified.

Then, the young Hydra bit open the tip of his finger and dripped a drop of fresh blood into Sitana's mouth.

"Now," he gently instructed the maid, "apologize to me."

"...... I... I'm truly sorry, Lord... Hydra."

Sitana spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

"Hmm? Hydra?" Anselm raised an eyebrow slightly, "It seems our roles haven't switched back yet, so let's continue—"


Seeing herself drooling in the mirror again, Sitana, filled with shame and indignation, cried out in panic, "I... cough cough... I'm sorry... Master!"

Anselm patted her head, then dripped a few more drops of blood into Sitana's mouth, and chuckled, "Very well, I forgive you, my maid."

He stood up, walked over to the coat rack, and draped a wolf-fur cloak over his shoulders, "That dinner is yours now. I'm going to stroll through the streets of Howlingwinds City and see if there are any good restaurants."

"Don't worry," Anselm adjusted his collar, "You are not a bodyguard now, and any incidents that occur will not be counted as part of the trial for the time being."


The cheerful golden-haired youth placed his palm diagonally against the other side of his shoulder and slightly bowed towards the girl who was gradually regaining control of her body:

"I wish you a pleasant meal, my dear Miss Sitana."

And he hummed a playful and teasing tune as he left the room.

Although there were some minor hiccups along the way, the result of the training far exceeded expectations.

I truly truly appreciate your untamed spirit, Sitana.

The wicked Hydra thought this with great delight.

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