Chapter 38: Sisters · Part Three

As Anselm was finishing up about half of the documents, a gentle knock sounded at the door of the study.

"Come in."

Having anticipated who the visitor might be, Anselm set down his quill.

"..." Malena, frail and weary, gently and cautiously pushed the door open. Slightly relieved to see that Anselm was not working, she still spoke softly, "I apologize for the intrusion, Lord Hydra."

"No worries, I was just about to take a break."

Anselm observed the complex expression on the young girl's face and asked in a gentle tone, "Is something the matter, Miss Malena?"

"No, it's nothing, really. Please don't concern yourself with it."

As Malena stood in the room, she felt a mix of regret and confusion, but quickly turned her thoughts to another matter. 

--That was the realization that Sitana had once again let her voice carry, and their argument had likely been overheard by one of the maids.

So, Malena barely had time to feel worried or upset; she knew she had to act immediately to salvage the situation. Even if Anselm himself didn't care, she couldn't foolishly assume that meant she didn't need to take action.

For Malena at this moment, her only recourse was to strive not to be a burden to Sitana and to demonstrate her worth in front of Anselm. As someone who was almost inseparable from Sitana, if she could perform well, it would also lead to better treatment for Sitana from Anselm.

Even if it meant only a slight improvement, Malena was determined to do whatever it took to ensure Sitana could stay by Anselm's side. She was willing to exert her utmost effort for the smallest gain, as long as it helped her sister.

Malena firmly believed that her sister would one day truly mature, and until that day arrived, it was her duty to protect her, educate her, and assist her in every way possible.

And so, the young girl endeavored to conceal her weariness and sorrow, offering Anselm a smile as she said, "If you have the time, might I trouble you with a few questions?"

"Of course."

With Malena's expression fully observed, Anselm responded with a smile, "Actually, I've already made annotations on the documents you previously submitted. Why don't you take a look at those first?"


Malena stared blankly at the documents Anselm handed over, her earlier efforts to maintain a calm and composed demeanor quickly giving way to a sense of being at a loss.

As she looked at the dashing, clear and neat handwriting on the documents, which seemed to seamlessly integrate with her own writing, the copious comments that were devoid of any confusion or complexity, and the final evaluation... a nearly overwhelming sense of bitterness welled up within her.

Just as Sitana, with her exceptional talents, valued her dignity almost as much as her life, Malena, who was both intelligent and steadfast yet had to endure even more hardships in the world, naturally yearned for that same respect from others.

Knowing that she was just a village girl from a remote area, Malena felt that she was unlikely to catch the eye of someone as significant as Lord Hydra, even with her appearance, which might not be considered that remarkable either.

Despite this, he still treated her with respect, not viewing her as merely an appendage to her genius sister. He had never made any inappropriate advances or remarks, nor had he given her a job just for the sake of keeping her occupied.

The meticulous and detailed annotations on the documents reflected the genuine respect this young and generous figure had for her.

Sita... how could you show such disrespect towards Lord Hydra?

The thought of her sister repeatedly, countless times, offending the revered Lord Hydra, yet also being met with uncountable instances of unconditional forbearance and forgiveness from him, caused an uncontrollable pang in Malena's heart.

[If only, if only I possessed that kind of talent, would Lord Hydra then...]

A cold, dark light flashed briefly through Malena's mind.

"Miss Malena?" Anselm inquired gently, "Is there something you don't understand?"

"......Ah? No, no! Your annotations are very clear!"

Malena snapped back to reality, responding to Anselm in a flustered manner, while also feeling ashamed of her previous thoughts.

"To be precise, it's your ability to understand and analyze that is truly impressive, Miss Malena."

Anselm's polite and gentle gaze made Malena feel somewhat nervous and shy, causing her to avert her eyes as she said, "I... I'm not as capable as you say, Lord Hydra."

"Excessive modesty isn't a good trait, Miss Malena."

Anselm chuckled lightly, "Or perhaps, are you doubting my judgment?"

The young girl hastily replied, "No! How could I possibly dare to do that!"

Questioning Lord Hydra's judgment would be akin to implying that he had also misjudged Sitana.

"Then you should stand tall and speak to me with confidence, Miss Malena."

The handsome young nobleman, resting his chin on his hand, did not deliberately display any "charming smile." Instead, he spoke in a gentle tone, "You possess talents that I acknowledge. You have every reason to be proud of them and no cause to cower. Isn't that right?"

The young girl with the long snowy hair, now braided into a simple plait, gazed at the face that seemed so close yet so distant. She felt her inner timidity gently lifted, and the weariness and loneliness she had rarely shared with anyone were touched by the warmth of the sun.

In Lord Hydra's eyes, she was not just a girl with a pretty face, not a rustic village girl, nor an appendage to her genius sister.

But a person of value, dignity, and capability, standing tall and upright.


Holding back her tears to avoid appearing weak, Malena straightened her posture, lifted her head to meet Anselm's gaze, and responded softly yet firmly, "I will, and I promise not to disappoint your recognition."

"Bring a chair over and sit across from me."

Anselm smiled, "Go ahead and ask me whatever you need, regardless of how trivial or straightforward the question might seem."

Malena, now past the point of being overwhelmed with joy or excitement, nodded obediently, took a seat opposite Anselm, and without hesitation or reservation, sought his guidance on all the questions she had.

Anselm, in turn, provided Malena with detailed explanations of the various documents he had handled, ranging from the governance of Scarletfrost to private letters addressed specifically to him.

The young girl listened with rapt attention, now realizing that her previous tactics when dealing with tax collectors were no different from playing house. The ease with which Lord Hydra navigated between the two dukes was utterly captivating to Malena.

If Sitana were here, she would likely shout and scream that all nobles are hypocritical bastards. However, Malena was earnestly and diligently absorbing the knowledge and skills that Anselm was imparting to her, which were essential for survival and self-improvement in this society, keenly aware of her own inadequacies.

"Lord Hydra, regarding this request from the Earl of Hardstone to mobilize his retinue troops, why did you—"


The young girl's face turned a deep crimson as she clutched her stomach, her voice coming out in a soft, flustered mewl, "Um, I, I..."

"Has it already been three hours?" Anselm remarked, as if he hadn't heard the previous sound, "Even I lost track of time. Miss Malena, as a student, you are far more exceptional than I anticipated."

"I should also have my meal now. Miss Malena, shall we conclude today's lesson here?"

Holding the notebook that Anselm had given her, Malena stood up and bowed deeply to him, "I will not let your guidance go to waste, Lord Hydra."

Anselm smiled and waved his hand, "There's no need to add pressure on yourself. First, have a good meal, Miss Malena."

The young girl's ears burned with heat as she lifted her skirt and performed a ladylike curtsy that was becoming increasingly practiced, then, covering her cheeks, she hurried away like a startled deer.

Anselm smiled warmly as he watched Malena dash off, then leisurely stretched his arms, feeling at ease.

"Time is running out for you, my dear Sitana."

He leaned back lazily in his chair, speaking to himself with a sense of amusement and delight:

"So, what choice will you make, I wonder?"

"Truly... something to look forward to."

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