Chapter 41: The Cold Silence of the Prison

Not engaging in sleep truly reveals how long the night can be.

Both Anselm and Sitana had experienced the length of the night. The former had grown accustomed to it through day after day of training and study, while the latter had spent countless times waiting to ambush her prey until dawn.

Now, in this cell, Anselm, who had brought books with him, showed no intention of sleeping. While the cold, dark, and damp environment of the cell, along with the musty and foul odor, made it difficult for Sitana to fall asleep normally.

The two of them appeared to be at peace, with one sitting on the bed and the other curled up in the corner, waiting for the twelve-hour punishment to pass.

But Anselm was well aware of how complex Sitana's emotions were at the moment. While reading and thinking, he was also calculating the time.

He had come here to undergo the same punishment as Sitana, and this was not a pretense; it was indeed a discipline he had set for himself. But at the same time... the small punishment and taming he had prepared for this occasion were also genuine.

After all, there was no conflict between the two.

"Sitana," Anselm gently turned a page of his book, "Do you remember the reward we talked about?"

The young girl in the corner, upon hearing Anselm call her name, immediately twitched her ears, which were half-hidden beneath her fine strands of hair. As the word "reward" reached her, she quickly snapped out of her momentary confusion and understood what he was referring to.

"Reward... you mean the punishment, right?"

Sitana didn't have much resistance in her now. When it came to being taught, she couldn't deny that Anselm had broadened her horizons and thinking. If it weren't for him, she would have been doomed that night.

No! If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have had to take a beating at all!

Thinking of this, the girl angrily turned her head away with a huff, staring at the wall.

"We'll discuss that matter later," Anselm replied.

He closed his book temporarily and looked at Sitana with a gentle smile, "I just want to ask you, do you remember what reward I promised you?"

"How could I possibly forget!"

Anselm's punishments and rewards always struck a nerve with Sitana. The girl responded with irritation, "You promised to let me go back to my village and give me free training supplies, for seven days!"

Anselm observed Miss Young Wolf who curled up in the corner as her black velvet cloak giving her a fluffy appearance at the moment. She seemed slightly displeased, but not resentful, with a pouting expression that made her quite cute.

The young Hydra coughed lightly and, with a smile, wagged his imaginary tail, "What if I said I'm willing to give you that reward?"


Sitana turned her head, looking a bit dazed, facing Anselm with her slightly puffed cheeks, appearing quite silly.

"You... what did you say?" It took her a long while before she exclaimed in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

Anselm raised an eyebrow, "Do I often joke with you?"

"But... no, that's not right. Why the hell are you suddenly being so nice to me for no reason?"

Sitana eyed Anselm with extreme suspicion, "Are you plotting another devilish scheme of your? Planning to do something while I'm not around?"

The handsome young nobleman couldn't help but laugh, "What could you do if I wanted to do something even when you're here, Miss Sitana?"

Teasing this majestic, domineering and arrogant she-wolf until her face turned red always brought joy to Anselm's heart. He continued to smile and said, "As for the reason, it's naturally because of what you did today."

"What I did... today?"

Sitana, whose mind was struggling to keep up, pointed at herself, "You even said I screwed up, and now you're gonna give me a reward for it?"

"I'm referring to your response afterwards," Anselm clarified.

He spoke leisurely, "I'm talking about how you insisted on being strictly punished according to the law, and during this process, not only did I not give you any protection, but I also voluntarily accepted the same punishment as you."

He crossed his legs, propped his chin on his hand, and smiled with narrowed eyes, "The jailers are all witnesses."

"I imagine that by tomorrow morning, my reputation will rise another notch."

"My dear Sitana..." the great deceiver Hydra tilted his head, "You've given me such a wonderful opportunity, how could I not reward you?"

"You, you!"

The young wolf girl abruptly stood up as the chains clanking loudly, and in her extreme anger, she shouted, "AND YOU SAID YOU CAME IN HERE FOR ME!?"

"But I did come in here for you, that's just an incidental result," Anselm replied calmly.

Anselm's eyebrows slightly raised, his expression tinged with amusement, "What's wrong, Sitana? Can't accept that the reason I'm facing hardships isn't because of you?"

Not fully grasping the meaning of Anselm's words, Sitana responded without hesitation, "Bull crap! I don't want to be used by you! You clearly said you wouldn't lie to me!"


This time, it was Anselm's turn to be slightly taken aback. He looked at Sitana's angry yet pretty face for about two or three seconds, and then, very rarely, a pure smile of genuine happiness appeared on his face—though it only lasted for an instant.

"Of course," the young man's voice softened, "I won't lie to you, Sitana, I promise."

"......That's more like it."

The girl muttered to herself as she sat back down. It seemed she was only upset about the possibility of Anselm deceiving her, while she didn't dwell on how Anselm had used her to elevate his reputation again.

In the simple and straightforward mindset of Miss Young Wolf, the fact that Anselm had gone to such lengths... it couldn't really be considered hypocrisy anymore.

--She was still feeling nauseous from that damn liquid foodThat jerk could eat it without batting an eye, he's no human! This is way more than just putting up with a bit of discomfort.

"So..." Sitana, resting her chin on her knees, stole a glance at Anselm, "Can I go back whenever I want?"

"As soon as possible," Anselm replied, "There are some arrangements for you coming up."

"Then I'll leave tomorrow."

The impulsive Sitana didn't hesitate at all, "Make sure to have the supplies ready for me."

Anselm nodded, his smile growing even brighter, which also made Sitana vaguely sense a bit of danger.

"Then, we should discuss the matter of 'punishment' next."

"......" The cheerful expression on the girl's face immediately stiffened. She glanced at Anselm, then at the sleeping figure in the opposite cell, "H... here, in this place?"

"You're leaving tomorrow, aren't you?"


Sitana bit her lower lip, her voice sounding somewhat weak as it escaped her throat, "Tomorrow... tomorrow, I’m fine with pushing it back for a bit."

"But I think now is a good time," Anselm said with a smile, looking at her, "What do you think I'm going to do, Sitana?"

"You... you're not allowed to do what you did last time, or the time before that!"

Under such a meaningful gaze, Sitana immediately panicked, "If, if it's just you, fine, but I'm absolutely not letting anyone else watch! No way!"

"If... if there's anyone else but you! I'll take you on right now!" The young wolf girl, her face flushed red, howled fiercely, looking like she was ready to go down fighting with Anselm.

Anselm gazed at her extremely nervous expression, silently maintaining eye contact with her.

"Miss Sitana," he suddenly said, "Are you perhaps expecting me to do something very naughty to you?"

"What do you mean by 'expecting'!"

Sitana was furious, jumping up and down in place, "You're clearly only doing that kind of thing!"

"But I didn't say I was going to do that kind of thing," Anselm propped his chin on his hand, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, "Why does Sitana immediately think about that direction?"

The sly serpent with a belly full of mischief laughed very happily, "Isn't this... another form of expectation?"

The young wolf girl trembled with anger, yet simultaneously, she felt a sense of helplessness throughout her body as memories of the previous two punishments resurfaced.

Stripping herself completely naked, being rubbed and pressed by a strange whip; being injected with a drug that left her unable to move, treated like a doll to be fiddled at will...

Expectation... what expectation! No way! That son of a whore Hydra is just talking out of his ass again!

Sensing that Sitana's rage was reaching a tipping point, Anselm quickly interrupted her thoughts, "Don't worry, it's just a very simple matter."

With these words, he reached out a hand toward Sitana.

"Come here," Anselm said.

Sitana first cautiously glanced at the cane placed to his side, then carefully examined the palm of Anselm's hand, fearing that there might be something strange there. After about four or five seconds, very carefully, she moved closer.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"Squat down."


Although completely confused, Sitana complied and squatted as instructed.

"Place your chin," Anselm said with a smile, looking down at Sitana, "on my palm."


The silent Miss Sitana was contemplating whether she should take advantage of the moment to strangle Anselm with the shackle chains.

She gritted her teeth and said, word by word, "Do you think I've never raised... a dog?!"

"It's just this one simple action," Anselm said, looking at Sitana in astonishment, "Or does Sitana want me to do something unusual?"

Meeting those beautiful sapphire blue eyes, the thought of the "taming" she might face immediately made Sitana feel a lot more subdued.

Squatting down, she closed her eyes, stiffly stretched her neck, and slowly, very slowly, placed her chin on Anselm's palm.

The young man's slender fingers and the warmth of his palm tightly pressed against her chin, the delicate sensation becoming particularly vivid due to her closed eyes. The subtle movements of rubbing her chin and even her throat made Sitana's body want to resist, yet also feel somewhat weak at the knees.

From Anselm's perspective, the savage and unrestrained beautiful she-wolf now had her cheeks flushed with a crimson hue, her ears tinged with a deep red. Beneath her unfettered and elegant short hair, her alluring and delicate face appeared exceptionally captivating. 

The long and slender eyelashes trembling slightly due to nervousness, the hot breath exhaled from embarrassment, the plump and rosy lips tightly bitten due to unease... At this moment, Sitana was truly a beautiful young girl, swaying one's heart and soul.

"This punishment doesn't end here," Anselm said, feeling the delicacy in his palm, appreciating Sitana's rare tenderness, and smiling contentedly and joyfully.

"Starting from today, for the next month, no matter when or where, as long as you are by my side, whenever I make this gesture, you must come over and place your chin in my palm."

"Understood? My dear Sitana?"

Sitana abruptly opened her eyes, her watery gaze filled with anger, her sharp canine teeth itching to bite down on Anselm's palm, "Don't push me too far!"

"Is it too far? Sitana, have you forgotten how I initially made the agreement with you?"

Anselm slightly increased his grip, holding Sitana's chin, but still maintained the motion of stroking, "You were supposed to make sure I only had to intervene less than three times, and what did you do? Not only did you fail to achieve that, but you also required me to provide more detailed explanations and guidance for you... Sitana, ask yourself, is my punishment really too much?"

"......" still clenching her teeth, Sitana glared fiercely at Anselm.

"......Alright, then I'll take a step back."

With this feigned concession, the young master Anselm's mouth curved into an almost imperceptible smile, "I promise not to do this in the presence of a third person. Is that acceptable?"

A long, long silence ensued.

"......You promised me, don't you dare lie to me."

The young girl shifted her gaze away, her voice becoming somewhat feeble.

"Of course, I promise," Anselm said with a light laugh, withdrawing his hand.

Sitana breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately retreated, quickly returning to the corner that provided her with a meager sense of security.

Grrr... that jerk Hydra is way too dangerous. Before I get stronger, it's better to stay way from him as much as possible!

With that thought, Sitana held onto the idea of "absolutely not talking to that jerk from now on" and forced herself to fall asleep.

Anselm, watching the young girl close her eyes, allowed his smile to grow even more unrestrained.

Everything he had laid out for Sitana here was indeed true.

However... there were some things that Sitana had neither asked about nor pondered over, clearly having forgotten the guidance of her teacher, Anselm.

--For instance, if the prison had already prepared such poor quality food.

Why... would they kindly provide a large bucket of water?


This was the third time Sitana had woken up from her sleep.

She clenched her teeth, not letting Anselm notice her discomfort, and struggled to suppress the tightness and pressure in her lower abdomen.

Da-damn it, I drank too much water to swallow that crap!

The young girl, who was a bit hazy on the time, had forced herself to suppress this natural urge and fall asleep numerous times, but clearly... after a full day without, ugh... relieving herself, and having drunk such a large bucket of water, even if her body was as tough as it could be, she had reached the brink of breaking point.

Although it sounds absurd for a beyonder to be unable to hold their urine, in the case of the ignorant and uneducated Miss Sitana, it seemed quite normal. Her control over her body hadn't reached the point where she can cancel out normal bodily functions like excretion. 

Just wait until the time is up, just wait until the time is up... Sitana repeated this to herself countless times, but all she got was an increasingly uncontrollable swelling discomfort.

Sitana Rancemalos encountered the biggest crisis in her life—in front of the person she despised the most, in a shared room, with no means to hide it, having urine leakage. 

And at that moment, the devil's voice suddenly rang out:

"Sitana, you seem to be shaking a lot. Are you feeling cold?"

The young girl was startled into a shiver, nearly losing control of the final gate, and immediately tensed her buttocks and thighs, panicking and shouting, "DON'T TALK TO ME!"

"......Huh?" Hearing this, Anselm put down his book, stood up in surprise and walked towards Sitana, "But you don't look quite right... You shouldn't be bothered by the coldso what's making you shiver?"

"I, I'm not... not... Don't come over!" Sitana's voice was faintly tinged with a sob, "Get away! Stay away from me!"

As Anselm slowly approached Sitana, his gaze fell on the tense muscles of her buttocks and thighs. After a brief silence, he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "But it seems like you're struggling to hold back, aren't you?"

"I... am... not!"

The tension caused Sitana's control of the gate to further slip, and she could faintly feel that sensation of wet warmth, making her wish she could just bang her head against the wall and die.

"I can offer you some assistance, Sitana."

Anselm thoughtfully offered her a silk handkerchief, which was, of course, immediately slapped away.

"YOU... YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, NOW!" The girl yelled, her face burning red, "THAT'S THE BEST DAMN HELP YOU CAN OFFER!"

"That won't do," Anselm said with a matter-of-fact expression, "I'm here to serve my punishment, so how can I just leave the cell at will?"

Sitana stayed quiet for a moment, then abruptly reached behind with her hand.

"Give it to me!" She struggled to swallow the sob in her voice.


"The handkerchief from earlier, give it to me!"

The young girl suddenly turned her head, her eyes red as she glared at Anselm, looking like a child desperately trying to appear fierce.

"Since you've already seen it all, and even my tongue has been pinched by you, do you think I give a damn about this? I'm tougher than that! If you wanna look, then look, you pervert!"

"I need to clarify, I have no interest in--"

"Shut up!"

Anselm very obediently didn't provoke Sitana further, because even the slightest additional stimulation would truly make the girl explode on the spot.

After handing the handkerchief to Sitana, Anselm returned to his bed and turned his gaze towards the person in the opposite cell who, when awake, constantly made vulgar remarks about Sitana.

The young man touched his cane, and the mysterious Gleipnir transformed into a black-scaled serpent, slowly slithering towards the other man.

Sitana's concern about her embarrassing state during the "taming" being seen by others was completely unnecessary.

How could Anselm possibly allow anyone other than himself... to peek at this pleasure that belonged solely to him?

A nearly lethal dose of sleep-inducing drugs was injected into the prisoner's body through the tip of the whip blade, enough to keep him asleep for three days and nights without waking. After completing this, Anselm smiled and retracted Gleipnir, then sat on the bed, waiting for Sitana's next move.

Then... an unexpected event occurred.

"H-Hydra! Come here!"


Squatting in the corner, Sitana's voice trembled, "Don't 'huh' me, come here! I... I, I can't..."

Her voice was as faint as a mosquito's buzz, squeezed from her throat with a sound even more helpless and meek than a kitten's mew:

"I can't... take off... my pants."

With her hands shackled by the chains, Sitana certainly couldn't take off her tight leather pants, but she could easily break free from the chains.

The reason she didn't do this... was naturally because Anselm's "resolve" had sparked her deadly pride.

[If Hydra can seriously accept punishment to the point of swallowing that pile of crap, how could I break these chains just because I can't hold it in?]

Of course, the fundamental reason was only one.

Sitana found herself, more than she expected, less opposed to Anselm.

And this, even Anselm hadn't anticipated.

The young Hydra remained silent for a moment, then replied with a light laugh, "Alright, I'll help you."

He walked up behind Sitana and placed his palm on the girl's back.

The young wolf girl shuddered, immediately panicking and shouting, "Y-YOU, stop touching around, hurry up!"

"Panicking at a time like this isn't a good choice, Sitana."

Anselm, with his sadistic tendencies rising, smirked playfully.


Sitana's throat emitted a short, sharp sound, and she began to tremble all over, "Hydra, you... I... I'll never let you get away with this, never!"

Anselm didn't speak, and even the typically composed him felt a fierce fire igniting in his chest. He breathed out slowly.


With Sitana's scream, Anselm finally managed to restrain the dark desires surging within him and assisted her.

The sound of a spring gushing forth erupted without delay.

"Hydra... waah waah... I'll... I'll freaking kill you... I swear I will..."

Compared to her usual ferocious and violent declarations, Sitana's voice was now so weak it couldn't get any weaker. She bit her teeth and made whimpering sounds, her body almost curling into a ball, evoking sympathy and pity from anyone who saw her.

--Except for Anselm Hydra.

Because at that moment, he reached out his hand to the side of Sitana's cheek.

The malicious voice of the devil sounded behind the girl.

"Remember what I said, Sitana?"

"You... you..."

"Don't be angry, Sitana, don't be angry."

Anselm crouched down, smiling softly in Sitana's ear, "You said it yourself, after all that's happened between us, how could you not accept such a small thing, right?"

"How long...," Sitana, trembling all over, wiped her eyes forcefully and glared fiercely at Anselm, "How long do you intend to humiliate me!"

Anselm fell silent, meeting those angry dark red eyes, and deeply sighed. He spoke with utmost seriousness:

"I don't know, Sitana."

"You should know me by now," the handsome young man with golden hair, now looking genuinely puzzled and perplexed, said, "I could easily comfort you right now, give you some space, and earn your trust. I've never punished you without a purpose, and I've never done these things just to humiliate you, have I?"

He pondered for a long time, then finally smiled in relief, "However, this doesn't seem too bad either. I seem to have developed a liking for the wonderful feeling of losing control because of you."

"......You, don't say such weird crap at this messed-up moment, you pervert, lust fiend, scumbag, drop dead you crazy bastard! Ahhhhhh!"

"I'm just speaking the truth, I, Anselm Hydra, has always been loyal to his own desires."

Anselm quickly returned to normal, smiling as he waved his hand, "So, have you forgotten what I said?"


The red-faced she-wolf, screaming, couldn't muster any intimidating words. At this moment, completely unable to defy Anselm, she finally, with teary eyes and a murderous rage, placed her chin on Anselm's palm.

In the cold and silent cell, the temperature rose a few degrees.

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