Chapter 43: The Art of War

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Implementing a decree was a complex process. It was not as simple as Anselm drafting the document, assembling the nobles, and declaring its execution for the decree to be enforced.

The aftermath of that banquet was Anselm discussing the policies for the territory after the death of the Earl of Scarletfrost with all the powerful nobles of the region. Although all of them were reluctant to implement Anselm's decrees, the nobles, already cowed, lacked the courage to defy Anselm's wishes.

Having passed these many days, the decrees he had prepared were set to commence their implementation, beginning the following day.

However, Savile had brought him some unfavorable news.

"As of now, the nobles from the former Earl of Scarletfrost's faction seem relatively stable, but there are several who are engaging in minor activities and are unwilling to accept your commercial policies and alleviation measures; the undecided minor nobles will likely follow the policies on paper, but in practice... I anticipate no alterations."

"The most critical issue is the Earl of Hardstone." The old butler paused, "He who has always leaned towards you and demonstrated remarkable wisdom in various aspects, has now become your opposition. Although he agreed during the meeting that day, his recent actions... do not exactly reflect honesty."

Anselm, who was writing at his desk, did not raise his head and replied calmly, "It's natural for him to oppose, after all, he is theoretically the most likely candidate to succeed as the next Lord of Scarletfrost."

Indifferent to the prospect of losing or gaining this territory, Anselm chuckled lightly, "The Lord of Scarletfrost cannot inherit such strategies."

Liberating farmers, reducing commercial taxes, encouraging craftsmen, lowering teleportation fees, attracting population, restricting the abuse of noble privileges, expanding public facilities...

The Earl of Hardstone was a wise man. He understood that Anselm's policies were fundamentally aimed at the better development of Scarletfrost territory. However, during the initial phase of this process, the Lord had to bear an unusually high cost—because Anselm's policies were numerically clearly exaggerated, appearing as if they completely disregarded the interests of the Lord.

So when the Earl of Hardstone ascended to power, how would he position himself? Maintaining Anselm's policies would be akin to self-mutilation, while rejecting them would mean that the people's resentment in Scarletfrost, which Anselm had somewhat calmed, could erupt in an even more terrifying manner. Moreover, the unique nature of the position of the Lord of Scarletfrost... destined him to be unable to become a "diligent and responsible" good ruler.

"After all, the North is one of the strongholds of the rebels."

Anselm said with profound meaning, "The radicals among them have been seeking opportunities, while the people of Scarletfrost have been suffering for centuries. If he mishandles the situation... and the rebels use it as a breach, it won't be just a matter of losing his head."

Rebels, resistance fighters, it didn't matter what they were called. Anselm would rather label them as the revolutionary, but given his position, he still had to refer them as rebels in conversation.

These people were relentless, already woven into the fabric of the empire. The concept of the "Social cycle theory" from the Memory Library was equally applicable to this world, to the Empire itself.

However, whenever that point of decadence arrived, when the rebels' banners were raised high towards the sky, the Empire always demonstrated its utterly despairing... sheer terror.

From a distance of a thousand miles, an Emperor once incinerated a force of hundred thousands rebel Beyonders just after a single breath. A Grand Duke, wielding an axe, cleaved through the battlefield to decapitate the rebel leader. And there was a Hydra of a certain generation who inflicted the complete ultimate despair upon the entire rebel army.

Therefore, Anselm generally did not apply many theories from that world to his own situation, as it would be meaningless. They served merely as reference materials for study.

“So, what do you require of me?" As the person who most keenly understood Anselm's intentions, Savile slightly bowed, "Do you want me to give the Earl of Hardstone a small warning?"

"A mere warning would be meaningless."

Smiling, Anselm waved his hand, "Typically backed by the Grand Duke, yet in such dire circumstances, he is reduced to the Grand Duke's puppet. There's no reason to complicate matters for our poor Earl of Hardstone."

Savile remained silent. He thought that the Earl, who consistently showed deference and caution towards Anselm, ought to feel grateful. His prudence and wisdom had earned him Anselm's mercy.

Even if he had made a single mistake, today's conversation might have taken a very different turn.

"In that case, it would amount to actively undermining the Earl of Hardstone's plans. If we take preemptive action, it would present an insurmountable challenge to him."

Savile said, "Should the Ironblade Grand Duke still insists on evaluating the outcome of this situation, then it must be acknowledged that the Earl of Hardstone's fate—"

The old man's words suddenly halted, and he immediately swallowed the rest, ceasing to speak.

And contrary to Savile's expectations, Anselm said with a calm tone, "No need, Savile, let him do it."

"If he wishes to continue exploiting the farmers, increasing taxes, maintaining a high-pressure rule, and preventing my decrees from being effectively implemented, then let him proceed. I don't care."

"Do you intend... to directly dispose of him?" Savile slightly frowned, "The Ironblade Grand Duke is currently in a weak position. If you remove his only piece, he might not react as mildly as the Graytower Grand Duke."

The young Hydra chuckled, "No need to worry, Savile. A true wise man can see the path I've left for him. He will know what to do."

The old butler, always thoughtful for Anselm's sake, still felt uneasy, "If that's the case, the prestige you've accumulated in the Scarletforst.. might be compromised due to this leniency towards him—"

"Then, it's not too late to act at that time, right?"

Savile finally stopped offering reminders, although he was aware that Anselm had probably already considered all of this, he still did not want any harm to come to his young master.

The old man was always like this, understanding in his heart, yet unable to let go of his worries.

Moreover, Savile could not understand at all why this matter needed to be known by... the girl who had already fled outside the door?

"She's gone?" Anselm, propping his cheek with his hand, asked with a smile.


Savile's position seemed slightly off from a moment ago, "And she appears to be quite angry, Young Master."

"It won't be long before she becomes smug, having finally caught my 'tail,' isn't that right?"

This made the situation even more complicated. Savile wanted to say this, but seeing Anselm's calm and gentle smile, he refrained from speaking further.

His Young Master, Anselm Hydra, was born to be a great dominator, a belief that the loyal Savile held deeply.

The young noble flipped open the book he had personally written, caressing the strange characters that only he could understand.

"The highest form of generalship is to strike at strategy, next at alliances, then at armies, and the worst is to besiege walled cities." (see translator's note)

He recited words that Saville could not comprehend, spreading his palm, as if seeing the always reckless and anxious girl running on it, until she was exhausted.

Until the curtain woven from pure malice fell, signaling the end.

"Although here, the power of 'army' can become absolute... but my dear Sitana, you are still far from such an absolute."

"Don't make the wrong choice again, this time, you don't have me by your side."

The wicked Hydra prepared to once again enjoy the drama he had orchestrated.

Author's Note:


New storyline incoming! Our doggo Sita will experience her first truly significant emotional trauma in life. Let's pray for her (sad).

Translator's note:
The original text "故上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城。" is a direct quote from the famous "Art of War" 
It could be roughly translated as:

"The highest form of generalship is to balk [or counter-attack] the enemy’s plans; the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy’s [separated] forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy’s army in the field [when he is at full strength]; and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities." Source

Here Anselm basically wanted to express that in this world, due to superpower, the "army", or individual's strength, is strong enough to trample over the rest, "strategy", "alliance" or "defense." 

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