Chapter 9: As Irritable as She is

When Anselm stepped down from the carriage, a middle-aged nobleman who had been waiting at the grand entrance of the luxurious manor immediately approached and bowed deeply to him.

"It is truly regrettable that you have to spend time with us mere mortals, Lord Hydra," the man said with utmost deference.

The man, named Durham Hardstone, was the most influential figure in Scarletfrost and its surrounding areas, second only to the Scarletfrost Earl. Despite sharing the title of Earl, Hardstone's powerful supporters were on par with those of the Scarletfrost Earl, enabling him to maintain a steadfast position. Anselm, however, found little intrigue in the banal power plays of the aristocracy; nevertheless, he recognized numerous opportunities for manipulation within this intricate web of influence.

Anselm waved his hand dismissively, "Lord Hardstone, there's no need for these formalities. We both know the conversation ahead is crucial for the future of Scarletfrost. Besides..."

His signature refined smile, amiable and courteous, which had received the praise of every imperial nobles without exception and won over countless ladies in the capital, appeared on his face:

"Am I truly that difficult to communicate with?"

"No, no... how could that be? Lord Hydra, your reputation for benevolence has already spread throughout Scarletfrost; it is evident to all." Earl Hardstone's face showed no panic, only reverence and eagerness as he responded, as if he had no idea who had blasted the Scarletfrost Earl's head and hung the corpse up for public scorn.

"I am confident that tonight's banquet will be a success," the middle-aged man said, bowing slightly again and gesturing for Anselm to follow, "Please allow me to lead the way."

"Of course, but please wait a moment—" Anselm nodded slightly and then turned to look at the carriage, "Sitana, why are you still in the carriage?"


The snow-short haired girl with a slightly flushed face pushed the door open and jumped down, shuffling to Anselm's side with clear reluctance. As if there were the words “I don’t want to” written on her face.

Earl Hardstone looked somewhat surprised, "And this is...?"

"My bodyguard, still inexperienced, I'm afraid. It seems she was... indulging in the warmth of the carriage," Anselm said with a smile, showing no sign of displeasure.

"I already told you, I ain't got a clue how to protect people," Sitana said, frowning as she crossed her arms, as if trying to change the subject,  "But I can sure as hell take care of the preys inside. Right now."

"You hit your fancy banquet, and I'll handle the people I'm after. Is there a problem with that?"

Her blunt words made Earl Hardstone a bit awkward. He wanted to vouch for the security of the banquet, but with Anselm appearing nonchalant, he refrained from further comment. Instead, he simply gestured for them to follow, hiding his wry smile as he proceeded to lead the way.

Not getting a response from Anselm, Sitana pressed on, "You ain't saying nothing? If you ain't saying nothing, I'm calling it a yes, so I'm gonna—"

She had just spun around, her mood brightening, when Anselm's hand came down on her head, halting her.


Before Sitana could react, Anselm said slowly, "Don't waste the opportunity Malena has fought for you."

"As far as I can see, you're worthless."


The girl's slender body trembled slightly, but it wasn't out of fear. Anselm could feel the familiar aura—savage, ferocious, vicious, like an untamed beast with no sign of civilization. 

After a few seconds, the girl in the hunter's outfit turned back, her face expressionless, and kicked off her shoes, stepping barefoot into the snow.

Knowing why she did this, Anselm feigned curiosity and asked, "What's the purpose of this?"

"A hunting habit," Sitana's tone was tinged with a distinct ferocity, "Since you figure I'm gonna embarrass you no matter what, then screw it."

"As long as you fulfill your duty."

"……Hmph, don't wet yourself later, young—master."

As they entered the manor with Earl Hardstone, Anselm halted in his tracks, then smiled with a spark of interest, "Later? Are you certain something is bound to occur?"

Earl Hardstone's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately turned as to say something, but Anselm raised his hand to stop him.

Sitana assumed a crouching position, akin to a real beast, with her hands and feet planted on the ground, her rear end raised high. From Anselm's perspective, he could see the fullness that didn't belong to a young girl, the deep back dimples beneath, and the graceful curves outlined by her form-fitting attire.

"...Hostility" She closed her eyes and whispered, sniffing the air, "Six, eight... a total of thirteen. Five on the roof, six inside, and two... can't find their positions, they're a bit difficult to track."

Then the girl stood up, her sharp canine teeth gleaming coldly under the moonlight of the snowy night.

"You've pissed off a whole lotta folks," she said, unabashedly gloating.

Anselm shrugged, "But isn't it you who will be handling them, Sitana?"

Sitana's face darkened, and a thought flashed through her mind, "Maybe I should just let this jerk get killed by them."

Fortunately, she still had some basic intelligence, knowing that doing so might not necessarily lead to Anselm's demise, but she and her sister would undoubtedly face dire consequences.

"So, why the hell don't you let me just smoke them now?" Sitana's tender and pretty face was marred by irritation. "This is just a damn waste of time! If something happens later, you gonna blame me?"

The young noble, under the gaze of the already stunned Earl Hardstone, sighed, "Should I have wished to diminish your worth, dear Miss Sitana, you would have been 'broken' that very night."

Although he had prepared himself mentally, Anselm still felt a rare sense of powerlessness.

—It was truly a miracle among miracles that Sitana could grow into the Wolf Empress of the Azure Sky, while it also proved how powerful the force of fate could be.

"Until this banquet is over, you just need to follow my orders," Anselm said, deciding to quickly end the conversation with Sitana as he felt the dark emotions in his heart start to surge, "And my order is to protect me by my side, that's all."

Sitana clicked her tongue, responding with a sarcastic tone, "Got it, got it, great Lord Hydra."

—She didn't seem to realize what Anselm meant by "broken," otherwise, she would have gone berserk on the spot.

Anselm also took this opportunity to recompose himself and smiled at Earl Hardstone, "We've wasted a bit of time, but it poses no issue, Lord Hardstone."

When he said "no issue," Earl Hardstone knew what to do. He regained his composure and nodded with a smile, as if he hadn't heard anything, and passionately said, "Indeed, it poses no issue, Lord Hydra, please follow me this way."

But as he led Anselm, he really couldn't suppress the emotions surging in his heart.

Who was that girl? Was she Hydra's exclusive property? Otherwise, why would she dare to speak to Hydra like that?

Earl Hardstone thought he was already quite lenient and merciful in character, but if any guard or servant dared to speak to him like that, they would have been slapped, beaten, and exiled. If it were a more temperamental noble, they might have been turned into XXX and thrown into the slums.

Was that young viper really that benevolent? Bullshit! Anyone who believed that would end up sharing the same fate as the Scarletfrost Earl.

Now, Earl Hardstone could only pray that this seemingly not-so-bright bodyguard girl could really protect Lord Hydra well.

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  1. Looking g at her brash personality, how did she manage to survive in the original timeline is really a miracle


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