Chapter 57: Malena's Metamorphosis

As the plan neared its conclusion, Anselm needed to maintain the appropriate level of caution, as being composed and elegant did not conflict with being meticulous and prudent.

The taming of Sitana was also a challenge to the world itself, and any oversight could make all that had been achieved went down the drain

So now...

"Grr... Grr..."

Sitana, with Anselm tickling her chin, tightly closed her eyes, yet couldn't help but let out a purring sound.

—She probably wanted to squeeze out a threatening growl from her throat, but what came out was completely unrelated to any wild beast.

"A-Are you done yet?"

Squatting on the ground, Sitana struggled to resist the urge to jump up and straddle Anselm, delivering a couple of hard punches to his face, and asked through gritted teeth.

I can't take it anymore, punch Hydra to bits!

Anselm enjoyed the sight of the girl's embarrassed and resentful yet helpless expression, feeling immensely pleased in his body and mind.

After the night at the Scarletfrost Manor, Sitana's feelings towards him had shifted from an unspeakably complex mix to a sense of closeness.

Sitana's nature was coarse and wild, even chaotic. Her family was very harmonious, and she did not lack love and protection in her growth process, but there was one thing she was missing.

That was recognition.

Although this was self-inflicted, her inherent nature, rooted in her soul, made her incapable of reflection, or rather, even if she did reflect, she wouldn't accept it. She ran headlong like a madman down the path of either tearing through obstacles or self-destruction, without looking back.

Among the four heroes of the predetermined timeline, Sitana was the only one who was given the title of [Empress], precisely because of her unchanging, indelible savagery and ferocity. It was this quality that, after experiencing the despair of blood and hatred, led her to embark on a path of supremacy where she reigned alone.

However, she had no interest or inclination to become an empress.

No one would accept and recognize this arrogant dominance, but Anselm did.

That night, for the first time in her sixteen years of life, Sitana heard someone say to her—"I acknowledge everything you do."

And the corresponding facts made it impossible for her to doubt Anselm's words.

Because Anselm never told her "not to do," but instead, after each punishment, taught her "how to do."

—Except for those unnecessary and boring etiquettes.

"Sitana, it seems you haven't been putting your heart into your training these past few days."

Anselm withdrew his hand, and after petting the doggo to relax, he continued to handle his documents.

"...Mind your own business, I'm cutting costs for you and you're not satisfied?"

Sitana punched Anselm's thigh, then completely disregarded the rules as she plopped down on the desk, crossed her legs, and propped her chin on her hands, looking like she owned the place.

Anselm was well aware that his young wolf, Miss Sitana, was using this method to cover up her guilty conscience.

After secretly recording Earl Hardstone's speech at the meeting, Sitana couldn't find any opportunity for a whole week.

She watched as the policies in Scarletfrost City gradually expanded, the praises of the commoners grew louder, and rumors about "Hydra's pressure" began to spread, yet she was powerless to do anything about it.

How can you be so damn happy over these measly crumbs! You could've gotten way more than this fake charity they're throwing at you!

With Sitana worrying about this every day, she naturally didn't have any heart to train.

"I thought you had hit a bottleneck." In private, Anselm never had any demands on his own people. He found the social etiquette of nobles old-fashioned and boring, but maintaining appearances was necessary, even if he could do anything as he pleased.

"The path from the Crystal Staircase to the Imperial Throne is a transformation of both spirit and flesh. Only by ascending to the Imperial Throne can you truly step into the world of the beyonders." 

Anselm glanced at Sitana's fair and tender thighs. Due to the increasingly cold weather, the study and even the entire manor were often kept warm, so Sitana usually wore hot pants. Well, their world, although still male-dominated, did not oppress women in any way, as the opportunities for both men and women to become beyonder were equal. Therefore, Sitana's attire was not considered "indecent," though it was indeed quite bold.

—Mainly because, apart from Anselm and Savile, there were no other men, and Sitana automatically ignored the old butler who appeared like a ghost.

It could be said that she was wearing this just for Anselm's eyes.

After a moment, Anselm suddenly put down his pen and said, "Sitana, may I touch your thigh?"


Sitana, who was questioning herself daily, "What should I do," was a bit absent-minded and casually responded.

Then, in the next second, with a sudden change in expression, she immediately reacted, exclaiming sharply, "What the hell are you saying... Eek!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Anselm's hand had already landed on her fair, soft, plump, and firm thigh.

As someone who regarded self-discipline as a creed and had this as one of the few hobbies to relieve his desires and madness, our young master Anselm had a profound and unique study and appreciation for the beauty of women.

If Malena appealed to Anselm more on a holistic, soul and personality level, then purely from a primal, reproductive drive standpoint, the Hydra who was loyal to his desires would still choose Sitana.

Miss Young wolf Sitana shivered as her thigh was touched, then immediately jumped up and stepped onto Anselm's desk.

"Hydra, I'm warning you... you, you're going too far!"

The young girl, who had been stripped and touched countless times, put on a tough front but was actually quite vulnerable: "There are plenty of women in this house, don't bother me! If you want to get wild, go find them!"

"Even they wouldn't dress so lightly and sit on my desk without my request."

Anselm responded as a matter of fact, "It's hard for me not to interpret this as you having something special in mind."

The Hydra, who never lied, smiled as he looked up at the snarling she-wolf:

"And I've always taken full advantage of such opportunities with girls who suit my taste."

"Suit... suit my ass!"

Sitana, in a fit of anger and embarrassment, kicked at Anselm's shoulder, and then, the electric collar that hadn't been used for a while, brought her the familiar experience she had missed.

"Ugh, hmm, hmm, hmm!"

As soon as Sitana lifted her foot, she convulsed violently, trembling and collapsing onto Anselm's desk, her eyes fierce, yet she curled up into a ball, like a delicacy laid out before Anselm.

"Sitana, have I been too nice with you, making you forget some things?"

Anselm stroked Sitana's chin with his fingers, unable to help but chuckle, "You can do whatever you want, but have you prepared for failure and the punishment that comes after it?"

Having somewhat gotten used to the intensity of the electric shock, Sitana shrank her neck and suddenly bit down on Anselm's finger.

And then she was shocked again, with Anselm's index finger in her mouth, making muffled noises.

"See, I'm touching you but I'm not getting shocked, it's just a simple use of aether."

Due to the increased intensity of the electric shock, Sitana's eyes became somewhat unfocused. She slightly opened her mouth, drool flowing out while her tongue half hung outside. Anselm, with a smile, stroked her pink tongue, "You promised me that you would study hard and train yourself, but you've become so lax lately... it's disappointing, Sitana." He pulled out a handkerchief, wiped the drool off his fingers, and then wiped Sitana's mouth. He held her under her armpits and moved her to the side.

"Remember to go and train once you've recovered your strength."

Although he said he would take full advantage, Anselm, who had already put Sitana in this state, didn't do anything more. He just smoothed out the slightly wrinkled documents and continued to write, saying meaningfully at the same time, "Otherwise, you'll regret it, Sitana."

In the study, apart from the sound of Anselm's pen scratching on the paper, only Sitana's panting echoed.

"Hydra... you... wait..."

After an unknown amount of time, Sitana, finally able to muster the strength to sit up, was still panting, "Someday, someday, I... huff!"

As she spoke, Sitana, due to her fatigue, almost let drool drip out, so she quickly took a breath. Anselm, who was working with his head down, couldn't help but laugh, making the extremely embarrassed young wolf want to bite him to death.

"Lord Hydra, do you have a moment?"

At the same time, a soft and pleasant voice of a young girl and a knock sounded together.

Sitana's heart skipped a beat, but before she could say anything, Anselm had already spoken, "Come in."

So, Malena pushed the door open and entered.

What met her eyes was her sister, lying sideways on Anselm's desk, just propping herself up with her arms.


Malena, with a cheerful face and a stack of documents in her arms, glanced at Sitana, who was visibly guilty and avoided eye contact, too nervous to utter a word.

Over these past few days, Sitana had been preoccupied with how to expose Earl Hardstone's meeting, and when she had nothing to do, she spent a lot of time with Anselm.

And what kind of state Sitana was in when she was with Anselm... let's just say those who understand, understand.

Sitana couldn't even keep track of how many times she'd been caught messing up or being toyed with by Anselm. Initially, her sister would get really angry and scold her, and there'd be long-winded lectures every night before bed. But as it happened more and more, Malena seemed to stop caring, just... staying quite.

Quiet stillness.

Sitana was certainly happy, as she no longer had to endure any nagging, but she still felt a bit guilty whenever she was caught.

The young girl with the simple braid just glanced at her sister, said nothing more, and soon rekindled a gentle smile. She walked to the desk, respectfully and earnestly handed the documents to Anselm:

"These are all the impoverished families in Scarletfrost City, according to the poverty line standard you set, I have detailed them to every street and household, as well as their specific income situation. Please review them."

"Have you verified it?"

"Yes, with the help of Miss Meryl and Butler Savile, everything has been verified."

Malena's tone became increasingly steady, her posture more dignified and appropriate, her speech less stuttered, and she became more and more willing to look directly into Anselm's eyes.

Anselm took the documents, nodding from time to time, and said with satisfaction, "You've worked hard, to complete this form in just three days is very remarkable, Malena."

"It's the resources you allowed me to mobilize that are so abundant."

The girl smiled and shook her head, "If I can't even do this, I would be too ashamed to face you, what right would I have to serve you?"

"Hey, Hydra."

Looking left and right at these two, it felt like something was off, as if there was an inexplicable sense of being left out.

An uncomfortable feeling suddenly arose in her heart, and Sitana couldn't help but interrupt, "What's this for?"

—While still maintaining her position lying on Anselm's desk.

"The Celestial Observatory in the Imperial Capital recently gave me a notice."

Anselm answered patiently and gently, without any sign of displeasure, "A Great Cold Wave is about to hit the North, within a week. I asked Malena to count the impoverished families in Scarletfrost City and allocate resources to provide them with enough coal to get through the cold wave."

"Oh... that's a good thing, so you can actually do good deeds well!"

Sitana giggled, completely unaware that her sister's brow had slightly furrowed.

But as she laughed, she felt something was not right, the girl rubbed her chin, "You just said... Scarletfrost City?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Just the Scarletfrost City?"


"But Scarletfrost isn't just the Scarletfrost City!" Sitana suddenly sat up, "What about the commoners in other cities and villages?"

"They'll find a way," Anselm said calmly, "Didn't the commoners of Scarletfrost manage to survive every year before I came?"

"That, that's not quite how it is..."

Sitana bit her lip, "Since you're already giving away coal for free, why not give a bit more and help even more people?"

"Sitana!" Malena's brow furrowed, "Do you even think about what you're saying? Stop being unreasonable!"

"What's unreasonable about it!"

Miss Young Wolf was stunned; she couldn't believe these words were coming from her gentle sister.

Her sister cared most about those around her. Unlike her, who was always disliked by others, there was no one who didn't like Malena. Even every time she returned from the market, Malena would use her meager money to buy some candy and distribute it to the children in the village.

How could she say... that wanting to help more people is unreasonable?

"Hydra certainly has the ability to help more people! Since he wants to help, why can't he help more!"

Sitana was annoyed by Malena's unusual behavior and tone, "Lena, do you want those people to freeze to death in the cold wind?"

"That's still Lord Hydra's effort, all the funds currently are provided by him personally!"

Malena coldly stared at her sister, "You have no right to force him to do this with morality."

"I..." Sitana opened her mouth, her sister's unfamiliar face made her feel at a loss, and the feeling of being at a loss only made her angrier.

"I... how am I not qualified! Right now in Scarletfrost... I, I'm closest to him! Except for the old butler!"

Although she didn't really want to use this kind of statement, but thinking of the promise Anselm made to her that night in the manor, Sitana's heart felt warm.

She raised her chin, quite proudly, and hummed, "Hydra, isn't it!"

Anselm just smiled, neither denying nor agreeing.

This was practically an acknowledgment, and Malena's momentum immediately weakened, but Sitana still wouldn't let it go, as if she had to get Anselm to admit it, she continued to press:

"Hydra, hey, don't just smile! Say something!"

With enough strength restored, Sitana sat up and shifted her butt, moving closer into Anselm's arms and shaking his shoulder vigorously, "Is it, is it?"

"Yes, yes, yes... my dear Miss Sitana."

Anselm chuckled helplessly, "You're right, you do have the right to advise me like this."

"Huh... heh heh."

Sitana blushed slightly, turned to look at Malena, and said with a touch of pride, "See, just like I told you, Hydra isn't mad at me. We're really close, so why can't I give my opinion?" 

The girl kept her head down, not saying a word, while Sitana assumed her sister was just speechless. The triumph over her sister made her even more elated. She gently nudged Anselm's knee with her toe, leaned in a bit, and whispered:

"So, is it possible? I know it's asking a lot... but for the extra funds, consider it a loan for me, okay? I'll hunt for you and pay it back later."

"You know I have the ability to do this, right?"

Although her voice was very soft, the study was not that big, and Malena could still hear it clearly.

Those kind, innocent words were a thousand times sharper than any blade in the world, cruelly slicing through her already shattered dignity.

She couldn't boast to Anselm about how much effort and hard work she had put into organizing this document in three days, instead, she had to use "if I can't do it, I don't deserve to serve you" to define her position, her humility, and the boundary with Anselm.

But Sitana could so easily and casually say "I have the ability," asking Anselm for whatever she wanted, proposing any absurd ideas.

"Since you've already said that..."

Anselm sighed, then lightly smiled and touched Sitana's knee, "I don't seem to have any reason to refuse."

The girl blushed, this time without any intense reaction, instead she giggled, "I knew it, if you want to, Hydra, you can definitely be a good person! Let me help you from now on!"

"Malena, then I would ask you to... Malena?"

The two calls brought Malena back from the gloomy and dark thoughts, she came to her senses, and met Anselm's sea-blue eyes full of worry.

Lord Hydra...

She murmured softly in her heart.

"Yes... I'm here, I apologize, I just got a bit distracted."

Malena shifted her gaze, and for a moment, she felt like if she just had some kind of illusion.

—It seemed as if... she saw a hint of... black in Lord Hydra's beautiful eyes?

As if it was an equally beautiful... black.

"You take this ring."

Anselm took off the black snake ring on his thumb and handed it to Malena.

"Now, not only my manor, but all the nobles in Scarletfrost will obey your orders. I know this task is quite challenging, so such assistance is necessary."

Hydra gently told the girl who respected him devoutly, "But no matter how difficult it is, I still have confidence in you, Malena."

"For the poor and pitiful subjects of Scarletfrost, do your best."


Malena's lips moved, her pupils trembled.

Lord Hydra, when Sitana, that genius Sitana, that kind of beyonder, with... those truly capable people serving you, you still... still want to look at... look at me?

That was not a move to buy people's hearts, nor a lie to deceive and bewitch, from the gentle treatment at first sight, from the sincere respect after meeting, from the serious teaching after getting along...

Lord Hydra, is looking at me.

Even though her value was just to make the great being who sits on the throne feel happy, even though she had no talent to achieve beyonder, even though she was just a meaningless mayfly to this world.

But Lord Hydra, from the very beginning, has been looking at me, recognizing my insignificant wisdom, which is meaningless to the great beyonders.

Right... Lord Hydra promised me, he said—

[Believe me, to me, you and Sitana, are equally important.]

He is... doing it too.

Malena had countless words she wanted to pour out at this moment, but she couldn't say any of them.

The young girl only lowered her head, and with trembling hands, as if receiving a sacred object, she took the black snake ring from Anselm.

"I will, Lord Hydra."

The intelligent, kind, gentle, and meek Malena looked up, her face lit up with a confidence and brilliance she had never shown before, a smile so beautiful it took one's breath away:

"However, I have a small favor to ask, please... you must agree."

Sitana just instinctively felt that her sister was a bit strange, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

While Anselm's lips slightly curved up.

That girl who had been timid and submissive in front of him not long ago, finally dared to genuinely make a request, even using the word "must."

"Speak," the young Hydra said with a joyful smile, "I will certainly agree."

"It's just a simple little thing, I hope I can continue to work with you in the same place as before."

Malena smiled, her voice gentle.

During these days when Sitana was having nothing to do, she would often run to Anselm's study, or be called there by Anselm, which made Malena choose to step back.

She no longer worked with Anselm, but stayed in her own room to handle the documents.

"Ah? Is that it?" Sitana scratched her cheek, "I thought it was something big, why do you need to ask Hydra so solemnly for such a small thing, Lena?"

She said nonchalantly, as if barging into Anselm's study was as simple as eating and drinking.

"At the same time," Malena said softly, not looking at her sister.

"I hope that when I am working with you, you can refuse Sitana's entry into the study."

"Mm... so there's another request... huh?!"

Before Anselm could speak, Sitana immediately bristled, she turned to stare at Malena, confused and slightly annoyed, "Lena, what do you mean by this?"

"Literal meaning."

Malena spoke to Sitana with utmost gentleness and kindness, "Sita, Lord Hydra works on documents every day and is quite exhausted. And since my abilities are insufficient, your presence might disturbed me. For the sake of the commoners of Scarletfrost, could you please avoid disturbing me?"

This statement hit Sitana's increasingly inflated "self-righteousness," and the girl hesitated for a long time before reluctantly pouting, "Fine... I won't disturb you guys anymore."

So, Malena turned her hopeful gaze towards Anselm.

"I certainly have no objections," Anselm also looked at Malena, that seemingly different, somewhat meaningful gaze made the girl's heart beat faster, her body burning hot, her blood boiling.

But it didn't bring any tension to Malena, only a kind of... happiness she had never experienced before.

"Thank you for your leniency."

Malena lifted her skirt and bowed to Anselm, "I will certainly not disappoint your expectations, this is for all the poor people of Scarletfrost."

And for... you.

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