Chapter 60: I Am the Great Sitana!

Malena's thoughts lingered in Sitana's mind.

The girl unconsciously rubbed the emerald ring on her index finger, as if wanting to take it off, yet also pondering something.

"So, that's how Lena sees me..."

Sitana didn't have any intention to be angry, just a bit sad.

From a young age to now, Malena had criticized her only a handful of times. Sitana could never have imagined that beneath that gentle and serene exterior, there was such annoyance and weariness.

"But... have I really done so many wrong things?"

She stared blankly at her palm: "Have I been wrong... wrong enough to make Lena so disappointed?"

"But Hydra doesn't seem to care at all, so why do I—"

Knock knock knock—

The knocking was accompanied by the greeting of the maid, Meryl.

"Miss Sitana, your lunch is ready."

"...Ah? Sure, come in."

Sitana's index finger twitched, she turned her head to look at the door, staring intently at Meryl who entered while pushing a cart with a sumptuous lunch.

[It's rare to see Miss Sitana being this quiet]

...Why isn't she using that annoying title for me?

Sitana, sitting in place, had her eyes wandering. She hadn't expected that the maid who usually expressed her dislike for her most directly, would be the first one to not harbor any ill will towards her at all.

"Uh, that, Meryl."

"What is it, Miss Sitana?" Meryl's face didn't have the smile that other maids would show to Sitana; there was only pure calmness.

"What do you think..." Sitana put her hands behind her, unconsciously gripping her fingers, "What kind of person do you think I am?"


Meryl paused slightly, and even though she was usually very professional, she showed a hint of confusion.

[What's wrong with Miss Sitana? This isn't like her.]

While hearing this thought, Sitana also heard Meryl continue: "Impulsive, reckless, thoughtless, relying on Master's affection for you to act without restraint, doing whatever you want, almost never considering others' feelings, very self-centered, presumptuous, and—"

"Enough, enough!"

Sitana's forehead bulged with two veins—Meryl was indeed different from the other maids; she didn't even bother to pretend!

The girl puffed up her cheeks and crossed her arms: "Alright, just put the lunch down and leave quickly."

"But I haven't finished yet," Sitana heard the same words as the thought, Meryl slightly tilted her head, "You don't want to hear it?"

[She seems to be in a bad mood] Sitana heard Meryl think this.

"...You don't need to try to comfort me."

The girl subconsciously mumbled, "There's no need to add a 'but.'"

Meryl was slightly taken aback, she looked up and down at Sitana, her eyes narrowing: "I always speak the truth, as it is a good virtue I learned from Master."

[Not only is she in a bad mood, but she also suddenly became smart. Miss Sitana is very strange today.]

While Miss Young Wolf's blood pressure was rising, Meryl spoke: "Although you have many flaws, I believe these are not problems—not just because you are favored by Master, but more importantly, you have the ability to repay him, as you have received his kindness."

She placed the lunch on the tea table, reached up to brush a lock of hair from her temple, and said calmly, "The world is a very bad place, Miss Sitana, bad to the point where scoundrels and evildoers are everywhere. Compared to them, you're just more prone to causing trouble."

"At the very least, you have a strong desire to help others—even if right now, it's all at the expense of Master's funds and influence to fulfill your own ideas. But I don't believe you'll become one of those despicable people once you're powerful."

"If it's just causing trouble, then there's no issue at all."

The thoughtful and honest maid smiled at the stunned Sitana, "As long as you can achieve greatness in the future, and live up Master's education and favor, even if I detest your personality, I will always be your most loyal servant."

Sitana looked a bit foolishly at the maid who usually didn't get along with her at all, her mouth slightly agape, stunned for a long time.

Then, she suddenly stood up, grabbed Meryl's shoulders, and shook her vigorously, extremely excited:

"That's right, that's it! What's wrong with making some small mistakes... I'm a genius! A genius who defeated all the new students of Skyfrost Tower at the age of twelve! Even Hydra acknowledged me!"

Under Meryl's encouragement, Sitana abandoned self-reflection, abandoned the introspection caused by Malena's negative words, and didn't feel that she had any problems at all.

With my talents and abilities, what's wrong with making some small mistakes? Does Lena even have the right to criticize me like that? Can she do the things I'll be able to help Hydra with in the future?

"You seem to have some worries," Meryl said very calmly, being shaken around, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"...Uh, this... just a moment."

Sitana thought that although Meryl usually didn't give her a good look, she was quite smart, and it seemed she was well-received in Scarletfrost...

"Say, if I want to do something for Hydra."

Miss Young Wolf coughed twice: "But if this matter is not handled well, it might be bad for Hydra, what should I do?"

"Just handle the matter well, isn't that enough?"

"... " Sitana shyly shifted her gaze, "I, I'm not very confident in handling it well."

Regarding that Image Projection Crystal, she was completely at a loss now. If she exposed it, Hydra's reputation would be damaged, but if she didn't... she couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart, and if the policy was fully implemented, wouldn't it also be good for Hydra?

But how to do it, to both implement the policy and not harm Hydra...

"In that case," Meryl thought for a moment, and said very tactfully, "I suggest you directly solve the problem at its source, rather than letting your thoughts wander aimlessly."

The implication is that dealing with issues and strategizing wasn't really your forte, and Meryl's thoughts echoed this sentiment.

But Sitana suddenly froze.

Solve it at the source... solve it at the source...

Without letting everyone know, does that really render the recorded footage useless?

Meryl's reminder and Anselm's constant teaching to keep her thinking led Sitana to instantly grasp another direction.

Indeed, showing it to just one or two people wouldn't be very useful, but what if... I show it to the person involved?

Showing it to Earl Hardstone, who believes he's grasped Hydra's intention?

Using this to threaten him, saying that if he doesn't implement Hydra's policies, I'll expose it. What choice would he make?

He has no choice! Because if something goes wrong, the one responsible for Hydra's damaged reputation would be him. Even if Hydra eventually finds out it was me who exposed it... so what?

—Can you compare to me in Hydra's eyes?!

I, I, at most, will get a few electric shocks, but you will be waiting for your doom! This doesn't even need to be shown to anyone else; it directly solves the problem at its source!

I don't even have to wait until later to help Hydra; I can do it now.

Since Lena said my suggestion wastes Hydra's money, I can also use this to threaten Earl Hardstone into paying for the coal himself, so we won't have to spend Hydra's money!

The gap I created for Hydra, I'll fill it myself right now!

And I still have this ring, I can know exactly what he's thinking, isn't that a sure way to control him?

"I get it now, I get it! You're truly a genius, Meryl!"

With boundless excitement, Sitana embraced Meryl tightly, then turned on her head and dashed out of her room, even forgetting to eat her lunch.

Meryl quietly watched as Sitana ran off, waiting until the sound of her footsteps completely faded away before placing a hand over her heart and slowly exhaling in relief.

"Even with foreknowledge, aligning one's heart with the words is really a challenging task. Fortunately, I did not betray the Master's trust."

The maid, facing the direction where Sitana had sprinted off, slightly bowed in a respectful gesture.

"Please, Miss Sitana, perish in that confidence and fervor, as per Master's wishes."

"I offer my prayers for you with heartfelt sincerity."


In the midst of savoring afternoon tea accompanied by the melodious strains of classical music, the steadfast Earl of Hardstone let out a soft sigh.

Indeed, his grace is quite the capricious one.

"To say that the impoverished of Scarletfrost will survive the Great Cold Wave," such words, no matter who speaks them, even if uttered by the Grand Duke himself, he would regard them as mere jest.

In this world, it was likely only the Empress and Lord Hydra who could compel him to exert himself for such a preposterous task.

Truth be told, the Earl of Hardstone had no desire to see those who couldn't even afford coal to survive, for such impoverished individuals greatly tarnished the appearance of his territory, as if reflecting his own incompetence.

He was rather pleased that the Great Cold Wave was arriving at such a juncture. After that disaster, a large number of poor people created by the foolish policies of the Scarletfrost Earl would be cleared away. And once he took power, he wouldn't need to worry about how to deal with these individuals anymore; Scarletfrost would be rejuvenated.

Such a shame, this notion became a mere fantasy due to his grace's capriciousness.

Even so, the Earl of Hardstone was the first to respond to Anselm's call—because at a glance, he could tell that Anselm was absolutely serious in these actions.

"It is indeed your fortune to encounter Lord Hydra and myself."

The Earl of Hardstone shook his head and sighed, "However, the thought that these ants, merely for displaying my glory, are also worthy of such grace is somewhat displeasing."

Seated comfortably in the tea room, Earl Hardstone gazed leisurely through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the manor grounds. Truthfully, he would have preferred if Lord Hydra could direct his benevolent gaze towards the nobility, even though Lord Hydra had always been considered a friend to them. Yet, he consistently devoted himself to the welfare of the commoners, squandering valuable resources in the process.

If these resources were entrusted to their noble lineage, Earl Hardstone was confident—to the extent of twelve out of ten—that they could provide Lord Hydra with a return that was a thousand times more valuable than the meaningless praises he received.

And just as he indulged in the fantasy of one day earning Lord Hydra's special recognition, no longer having to serve under others, and restoring his family's former glory, a heavily armored guard rushed in with great urgency.

"..." Earl Hardstone's brow furrowed slightly, but he did not reprimand the guard for his breach of etiquette. Instead, he simply inquired, "What is it?"

"That, that Miss Rancemalos."

The guard's expression was grim: "She has come to see you, and it is highly likely... she harbors ill intentions."

Earl Hardstone's expression suddenly changed. In Scarletfrost, everyone knew that the willful, arrogant, and savage girl, like a wolf, was most favored by Anselm. In a sense, she even represented Hydra's will—because even if she made mistakes, Hydra would bear the consequences for her.

"To the reception hall... no, wait."

Earl Hardstone immediately calmed down: "There's no need to go to such a spacious place. Here will do. Have her stroll around the manor first. Have all the gold and silver decorations removed and replaced with hunting trophies and sandalwood ornaments."

"Replace all the tea sets with wooden ones, and bring in more armor and weapons."

Standing up, Earl Hardstone spoke indifferently, "You have only ten minutes."

The guard acknowledged with a nod and turned to leave.

Exactly ten minutes later, a young girl with an arrogant demeanor, showing no signs of being a guest, strutted into Earl Hardstone's tea room.

Upon entering, Sitana was momentarily taken aback by the simple furnishings of the hall.

"Miss Rancemalos, your presence at my humble abode is truly an honor."

Earl Hardstone greeted her with great enthusiasm and sincerity, then suddenly felt a sense of being watched.

He was momentarily taken aback but did not show it. With a thoughtful glance, he scanned Sitana's hand and immediately noticed the familiar emerald ring.

...The Heartstealer Ring of that fool Cantrell, why is it on her hand?

And on the other side, Sitana was also taken aback—the ring had no effect on Earl Hardstone?

Is he having higher rank than me? A Third-Stage Imperial Throne?

How could it be! He was shaking like a quail when Anselm was assassinated!

While the girl was filled with suspicion and uncertainty, she also felt a bit guilty. Anser had told her that if her rank was not higher than the other person's, she would be detected.

In fact, Earl Hardstone's rank was indeed not higher than Sitana's; both were at the Crystal Stair level. However, since such a ring existed, naturally people like him would possess many alchemical accessories that could counteract magic. It was just that the country bumpkin little wolf hadn't considered this possibility.

Even though she had lost the tool that would have given her an absolute advantage in negotiations, Sitana was not overly anxious. After all, this was not her only support.

"I have matters to discuss with you," Sitana said boldly as she pulled out a chair and sat down. "Have your people leave; you wouldn't want them to know what we're talking about."

Cutting straight to the point, Sitana didn't want to give these cunning nobles the opportunity to play around with their mind games.

"..." Earl Hardstone was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Leave us."

The servants and guards in the room immediately withdrew, while Earl Hardstone, with great care, poured tea and asked gently, "So, what does Miss Rancemalos wish to discuss?"

"About the policies that Hydra has given to you."

Sitana crossed her arms, leaned back in her chair, and mimicked Ansem by crossing her legs, but without any sense of elegance in controlling the situation, she looked more like some old man sitting down on a roadside stall.

"You, along with those other nobles, have no intention of implementing them, do you?"

Earl Hardstone's brow furrowed slightly, but it quickly relaxed. "I believe I understand what Miss Rancemalos is implying, but we have no intention of defying Lord Hydra. If it weren't for his grace's tacit approval, how could nothing have happened by now? If you doubt this, you can ask him directly for the answer."


Sitana sneered disdainfully, "Do you think I'm here to reason with you?" She pulled out the Image Projection Crystal from her pocket and activated it on the spot, playing the recorded footage.

When Earl Hardstone saw himself in the footage, he stood up with a "whoosh" and his face turned ghastly.

Without needing to continue watching, he knew exactly what was coming next.

Seeing the other's unconcealed look of fear, Sitana raised her head triumphantly, "You don't care? Hydra doesn't care? Sorry, but I do."

Her body leaned forward slightly as she tightly gripped the Image Projection Crystal, "Starting today, Hydra's policies must be implemented completely and thoroughly, or else... I will expose this footage."

"…Miss Rancemalos."

Earl Hardstone exhaled deeply, his expression slightly altered, "Do you know what you're saying?"

"Of course I know, that's why I'm doing this."

Sitana shrugged nonchalantly, "After all, if Hydra's rep takes a hit, it's you people who'll be screwed. Do you really think he would severely punish me?"

"At the end of the day, it's all because of your own arrogance, spouting nonsense here."

The young wolf disdainfully curled her lip, "Hmph, at that point, it ain't gonna save you even if you take the blame yourselves. One way or another, his original policies have to be implemented."

She knew this noble wouldn't do that, because nobles fear death the most. This Earl Hardstone wouldn't dare to gamble on the consequences of angering Hydra.

"Oh, and one more thing," Sitana, not receiving a response from Earl Hardstone, pushed further, "You might as well pay for the coal that Hydra is distributing to the poor."

She spoke so casually, as if she were buying two cabbages while passing by a market.


Earl Hardstone's upbringing and noble education restrained him from losing his temper on the spot. He leaned forward, propping himself up with his hands on his knees, and spoke one word at a time: "Do you know what kind of astronomical figure that is?"

"What astronomical figure... you're a noble, don't you nobles have plenty of money?" Sitana looked disdainfully at Earl Hardstone, "You're really stingy. Fine, if you can't afford the full amount, half will do."


Earl Hardstone remained silent.

After a long while, just as Sitana was about to become completely impatient, he suddenly stood up, lowered his gaze, and said, "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back, Miss Rancemalos.

His voice was somewhat cold: "I will give you an answer, please rest assured."

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, Sitana nodded in satisfaction, "That's more like it... hurry up, I don't have time to waste on you."

Earl Hardstone did not respond and quickly left the tea room.

Stepping out, he said expressionlessly to the waiting servant, "Bring the communication crystal, I need to contact Lord Hydra."

For Earl Hardstone, someone who prided himself on being a true noble, the inability to discern the intentions of those in high positions and having to foolishly ask directly for guidance was a humiliation.

But at this moment, Earl Hardstone couldn't care about such things.

Because he truly couldn't determine if Sitana was acting on Anselm's wishes.

In this matter, there could be absolutely no mistakes.

Soon, someone brought the communication crystal, and Earl Hardstone infused it with aether, waiting for a response.

"Lord Earl, it's rare for you to take the initiative to contact me."

Anselm's gentle voice came through, "Is there something you need?"

"…Lord Hydra, I believe you are already aware, but out of foolishness and caution, as well as respect for you, I have taken the liberty to disturb you."

Earl Hardstone carefully chose his words, "Miss Rancemalos... she suddenly visited my manor."

He stopped there, not mentioning any of Sitana's demands or behavior.

The man's forehead beaded with sweat as he waited for a response from the crystal in his hand, like a subject awaiting the decree of a monarch.

"Lord Earl." After about three or four seconds, Earl Hardstone heard laughter coming from the communication crystal.

"Do you know what I came to Scarletfrost for?"

This was a very perplexing question, one that all the nobles had failed to understand.

Why, why would Hydra not enjoy life in the prosperous central lands, but instead come to this remote northern regions to cause chaos like it was his playground?

Earl Hardstone didn't know either; he and his advisors had studied day and night, yet they still couldn't discern Hydra's motives. Or rather... it seemed he didn't have any purpose at all.

Apart from his reputation in Scarletfrost, he seemed to want nothing else.

But Earl Hardstone knew that his grace would never bring up any meaningless topics or provide any irrelevant information in a conversation.

Regarding the savage Miss Rancemalos, the information provided by Lord Hydra was... [What was his purpose for coming to Scarletfrost].


In that instant, Earl Hardstone felt a chilling coldness creep up his spine to the back of his head.

In his mind, instantly flashed all the actions of Hydra in Scarletfrost that he was already very familiar with.

From entering the territory and massacring officials and small lords, to publicly executing the Scarletfrost Earl, taking over Scarletfrost, and then managing it systematically...

And most importantly, everything about Sitana.

Events, actions, outcomes; Sitana's performance, personality, transformation—

And that ring, for some reason, now on the girl's hand.

Up to now, Sitana's impulsive and foolish actions displayed before him.

Anselm's pursuit of reputation, the series of large-scale actions he had taken recently, which were incomprehensible to them.

All of this pointed to an answer that Earl Hardstone could hardly imagine, an unimaginable conclusion.

He began to tremble, out of fear, and also out of... excitement.

"I understand... I understand, Your Excellency."

This middle-aged man, who was determined to revive his family, had received a high education, and had endured countless great trials and tribulations, his voice trembled, "I am fortunate to witness such a vast and boundless ambition..."

"Ambition? I'm merely doing something small, there's no need to get so excited, Lord Earl."

The young Hydra's voice was always so composed and natural, "Since you say you understand, do you know what you should do now?"


Earl Hardstone bowed deeply, as if facing Anselm himself, and replied with utmost respect, "Please allow me to contribute a trifling assistance."

"Haha, don't be so modest, you are a crucial part, so do your best."

The devil, whom Earl Hardstone almost revered as a deity, chuckled lightly.

“Give Sitana, for me, the gift of a lifetime.”


Sitana, extremely bored, wandered around the tea room, touching this and that.

"What the hell is he doing, don't tell me he is gonna run to Hydra and snitch on me?"

Sitana kicked the stool irritably, then laughed smugly, "Hmph, what good would it do to complain to Hydra? Would he even care about you?" Just then, Earl Hardstone entered, his expression calm and composed, completely devoid of the gloominess from before.

"You're finally back, what took you so long?"

The impatient young wolf looked displeased, "Answer me quickly, I told you, I don't have time to waste on you."

"Miss Rancemalos," Earl Hardstone smiled, unfazed by Sitana's rudeness, "You mentioned earlier that you wanted me to bear the cost of the coal for the poor to survive this cold wave, correct?"

"Yeah, so what, have you come to your senses?" Sitana's face lit up with joy.

Haha, Hydra, I didn't even have to hunt, and I already saved you so much money!

"To be honest, this is a burden I find truly difficult to bear."

Earl Hardstone said with great difficulty, "You may not be very familiar with the vastness of Scarletfrost and its previous... darkness."

"What does that have to do with me?" Sitana said unreasonably, spouting lines that only a villain would say, "Am I negotiating with you now?"

"No, no, no... what I mean is, I alone cannot do it, but that doesn't mean the entire nobility of Scarletfrost can't."

The man's lips curled up slightly, hiding the deepest malice within.

"I can mobilize all the nobles to protect their own subjects, so that we won't need to spend a single coin of Lord Hydra's."

"Rest assured, I will tell them that this is Lord Hydra's intention."

"…That's right! How can it work with just you alone?"

Sitana's eyes lit up, "Make those tight-fisted nobles cough up some cash too!"

The girl joyfully swung her fists in place, "You're quite cooperative huh, Earl Hardstone! That's a great idea! This way, Hydra doesn't have to spend a dime and still gets a big reputation boost!"

Thinking of this, Sitana's smile grew even brighter.

Can Lena do it! Can you bastards who talk shit behind my back do it! You all just sit on your ass writing in your study, how can you be like me, scaring the earl so bad he pisses his pants.

She was not wrong at all! Even if there were, those small mistakes were nothing compared to what she could achieve!

"Ah, even though you came up with this idea," Sitana, while happy, didn't forget the main issue, "I won't budge on the main condition; you must implement Hydra's policies to the letter!"

"Your concern for the common folk is admirable, but regarding this point..." Earl Hardstone sighed, "Miss Rancemalos, I believe my plan is more suitable for the current state of Scarletfrost."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

Sitana stared at Earl Hardstone like he was out of his mind, "Hydra gives the common folk ten times the good stuff, and you're handing out two measly bits, yet you think you're doing fine? Get a grip on your damn dignity."

"Do you think they will be grateful to you?" Earl Hardstone retorted.

"...What gratitude, I don't need their gratitude, as long as they live well."

Sitana pouted.

"Do you believe what you're saying, Miss Rancemalos?"

Earl Hardstone laughed, "Do you truly, from the bottom of your heart, believe that after providing them with assistance, you don't care at all about their opinion of you?"

Sitana subconsciously touched the ring on her hand, then said angrily, "So what if that's the case? Why wouldn't they be grateful to me, to Hydra? What do you take them for? Animals like you?"

Earl Hardstone did not get angry at Sitana's direct insult. He raised his hand and said calmly, "Yes, they will be grateful, and then what?"

"And then, as long as Lord Hydra lowers his standards even slightly—"

The man lowered his hand slightly, laughing with utmost sarcasm, "They will all harbor... a hatred that you can't even imagine."

"That's why I need to start from a low standard and gradually raise it, until a certain limit, which will undoubtedly be more beneficial for the stability of the territory."

Earl Hardstone said so candidly, "If it were your sister here, she would certainly agree with my point of view."

"You wanna die you son of a whore!" Sitana roared, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!"

The Earl ignored Sitana and continued to speak with strange words, "You might not believe it, but three years ago, when I was on an inspection tour, I met her. She was discussing tax issues with a trader at the time. Out of curiosity, I chatted with her for a few moments."

"Her quick wit and intelligence left a deep impression on me," Earl Hardstone sighed, "I discovered that she possessed very remarkable talents, so I invited her to sit with me at my temporary mansion. At the time, I had a desire to recruit her into my family. Unfortunately, she seemed to have many concerns and declined my offer."

"It wasn't until she came to me representing Lord Hydra that I suddenly realized—this serene and dignified noble lady was actually the little village girl from back then."

"Don't you dare judge us by your damn standards! And don't insult my sister!"

Sitana was undoubtedly truly enraged, her expression twisted, and veins bulging on her forehead, "Who the hell do you think you are, talking such bullshit? Lena would never go along with your damn shameless claims and policies!"

"Is that so? I'm willing to bet on it."

Earl Hardstone placed his hand on his shoulder and slightly bowed, "As long as there is even a hint of 'imperfection' in Lord Hydra's actions, no... not even a real blemish, just a whisper of false rumors, among those who have been so tenderly saved by him, there will be countless people who will question and resent."


Imagining that scene, Sitana was furious beyond measure. She could even feel something burning fiercely in her chest, the beastly rage roaring within her soul.

"No one will treat Hydra that way! All I need now is your answer, will you do it, or not?"

"Alright, since you insist, I will try to fully implement Lord Hydra's policies, although it will require time."

"...Hmph, that's for the best. I'll be watching you."

The she-wolf's gaze was extremely fierce, she tightly gripped the Image Projection Crystal, "Absolutely, do not try to play any tricks on me."

Earl Hardstone merely smiled, "Shall I have someone escort you?"

"Get lost, I have no interest in walking with you bloody rotten bastards."

Sitana snorted coldly and turned to leave without hesitation.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes.

A full half hour passed, and Earl Hardstone still stood there.

In his mind, he continuously constructed the stage for the upcoming drama, envisioning the grand play about to unfold, causing his entire body to tremble.

"Miss Rancemalos..."

Durham Hardstone exhaled a voice trembling with excitement,

"Should I pity your misery, or envy your fortune?"

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